91´«Ã½ NSF CAREER Community

°Õ³ó±ðÌýÌýprogramÌýoffers the most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholarÌýthrough outstanding research, excellent teaching and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. 91´«Ã½ is fortunate to have more than 100 NSF CAREER recipients on campus, spanning over 20 departments. These awards recognize the outstanding contribution of our faculty to research and education efforts across campus.

Each year, the Research & Innovation Office convenes a gathering of all awardees (and their respective department chairs and college deans/associate deans) for anÌýNSF CAREER Community Celebration.ÌýThis annual celebration provides a time and space to recognize our community of CAREER recipients, celebrate new awardees, and provide an opportunity for awardees to meet and network with one another across disciplines. At each gathering, a few awardees are selected to give short presentations about how the NSF CAREER award has impacted their respective careers. This year's celebration will be scheduled in the Fall of 2022. Check back here for updates or subscribe to our RIO bulletin to always be updated on our upcoming events.

Congratulations to all of our NSF CAREER award recipientsÌýlisted below.

YearAward RecipientDepartment
2023Bruns, CarsonPaul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering
2023Zhang, YidaCivil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
2023Trower, Lizzy (Elizabeth)Geological Sciences
2023Anderson, AllisonAnn and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences
2023Peleg, OritComputer Science
2023Combes, JoshuaElectrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
2023Izraelevitz, JosephElectrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
2023Leslie, GraceCollege of Music
2023Cui, LongjiPaul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering
2023Lininger, KatherineGeography
2023Gupta, AnkurChemical and Biological Engineering
2023Bhaskar, AditiCivil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
2022Shakiba, MaryamAnn and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences
2022Beaudry, AgnesMathematics
2022Brooks, CassandraEnvironmental Studies
2022Hubler, MijaCivil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
2022Lucas, AndrewPhysics
2022O'Rourke, SeanMathematics
2022Palmer, AlexisLinguistics
2022Poveda, JorgeElectrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
2022Sepulveda, JulioGeological Sciences
2022Sharma, SandeepChemistry
2022Shields, (Charles) WyattChemical and Biological Engineering
2022Trivedi, AshutoshComputer Science
2022Wilcox, BethanyPhysics
2022Wustrow, EricElectrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
2022Zamani, MajidComputer Science
2021Baker, KyriCivil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
2021Brubaker, JedInformation Science
2021Chen, XudongElectrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
2021Cook, SherriCivil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
2021Donaldson, ZoePsychology & Neuroscience and Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology
2021Fiesler, CaseyInformation Science
2021Frongillo, RafaelComputer Science
2021Grochow, JoshuaComputer Science and Mathematics
2021Huang, Shu-WeiElectrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
2021Labbe, NicolePaul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering
2021Litos, MichaelPhysics
2021Lynch, MaureenPaul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering
2021Marshall, RobertAnn and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences
2021Nicotra, MarcoElectrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
2021Rodriguez, NancyApplied Mathematics
2021Szafir, DanielleInformation Science and ATLAS
2021Vance, MarinaPaul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering
2020Calkins, MichaelPhysics
2020Devendorf, LauraInformation Science
2020Dig, DanielComputer Science
2020Kopf, SebastianGeological Sciences
2020Pourahmadian, FatemehCivil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
2020Srubar III, WilCivil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
2019Balch, JenniferGeography
2019Barton, TaylorElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2019Berta-Thompson, ZachoryAstrophysical and Planetary Sciences
2019Comerford, JuliaAstrophysical and Planetary Sciences
2019Dall'Anese, EmilianoElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2019Hamlington, PeterMechanical Engineering
2019Hinckley, Eve-LynEnvironmental Studies
2019Holewinski, AdamChemical and Biological Engineering
2019Hough, LorenPhysics
2019Jahn, AlexandraINSTAAR
2019Kazachenko, MariaAstrophysical and Planetary Sciences
2019Kolla, AlexandraComputer Science
2019Matsuo, TomokoAerospace Engineering Sciences
2019Psychogiou, DimitraElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2019Vu, TamComputer Science
2018Fox, JeromeChemical and Biological Engineering
2018Long, RongMechanical Engineering
2018Lovenduski, NicoleAtmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2018Walczak, MaciejChemistry
2017Carroll, ClintonEthnic Studies
2017Kane, ShaunComputer Science
2017Keller, EricElectric, Computer and Energy Engineering
2017Smith, GraemePhysics
2017Stange, KatherineMathematics
2016Khurram, AfridiElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2016Emery, NancyEcology and Evolutionary Biology
2016Gold, AnneCIRES
2016Gopinath, JulietElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2016Kay, JenniferAtmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2016Lundquist, JulieAtmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2016Shirts, MichaelChemical and Biological Engineering
2016Smith, StaceyEcology and Evolutionary Biology
2015Clauset, AaronComputer Science
2015Dashti, ShidehCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
2015Doostan, AlirezaAerospace Engineering Sciences
2015Eaves, JoelChemistry
2015Kaar, JoelChemical and Biological Engineering
2015Neu, CoreyMechanical Engineering
2015Rieker, GregoryMechanical Engineering
2015Rosario-Ortiz, FernandoCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
2015Shapiro, BenComputer Science; School of Education
2015Tan, ZhongpingBiochemistry
2015Yeh, TomComputer Science
2014Ahmed, AlaaIntegrative Physiology
2014Davies, KendiEcology and Evolutionary Biology
2014Dowell, RobinMolecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
2014Fox-Kemper, BaylorApplied Mathematics
2014Hoefer, MarkApplied Mathematics
2014Nagpal, PrashantChemical & Biological Engineering
2014Vernerey, FranckMechanical Engineering
2013Hallowell, MatthewCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
2013Hussein, MahmoudAerospace Engineering Sciences
2013Liel, AbbieCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
2013Mahan, KevinGeological Sciences
2013Schibli, ThomasPhysics
2012Cha, JenniferChemical & Biological Engineering
2012Correll, NikolausElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2012Dukovic, GordanaChemistry and Biochemistry
2012Johnson, PieterEcology and Evolutionary Biology
2012Safran, RebeccaEcology and Evolutionary Biology
YearAward RecipientDepartment
2011Chang, Bor-Yuh EvanComputer Science, ECEE
2011Ferguson, VirginiaMechanical Engineering
2011Zhang, WeiChemistry
2010Borden, MarkMechanical Engineering
2010Fierer, NoahEcology and Evolutionary Biology
2010Flowers, RebeccaGeological Sciences
2010Furtak, ErinSchool of Education
2010Halverson, NilsAstrophysical and Planetary Sciences
2010Heinz, HendrikChemical and Biological Engineering
2010McLeod, RobertElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2010Palmer, AmyBiochemistry
2010Raschke, MarkusPhysics
2010Sankaranarayanan, SriramComputer Science
2010Shang, LiElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
2010Yin, Hang HubertBiofrontiers Institute
2009Betterton, MeredithPhysics
2009Bryant, StephanieChemical and Biological Engineering
2009Damrauer, NielsChemistry
2009Frew, EricAerospace Engineering Sciences
2009Han, WeiqingAtmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2009Lowry, ChristopherIntegrative Physiology
2009Smalyukh, IvanPhysics
2009Volkamer, RainerChemistry
2009Weber, MathiasChemistry
2009Yang, RongguiMechanical Engineering
2009Yeh, EmilyGeography
2008Lewandowski, HeatherPhysics
2008Martinsson, GunnarApplied Mathematics
2007Chu, XinzhaoAerospace Engineering Sciences
2007Park, HaroldMechanical Engineering
2006Palen, LeysiaInformation Science; Computer Science
2005Finkelstein, NoahPhysics
2005Gill, RyanChemical and Biological Engineering
2005Gurarie, VictorPhysics
2005Jimenez, JoseChemistry
2005Murray, ToddMechanical Engineering
2005Neupauer, RoseannaCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
2005Palo, ScottAerospace Engineering Sciences
2004Crimaldi, JohnCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
2004Maute, KurtAerospace Engineering Sciences
2004Medlin, WillChemical and Biological Engineering
2003Glenn, JasonPhysics; Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences
2002Black, JohnComputer Science; Mathematics
2002Han, RichardComputer Science
2002Zhong, ShijiePhysics
2001Schwartz, DanielChemical & Biological Engineering
2000Dessau, DanielPhysics
2000Jansen, KennethAerospace Engineering Sciences
1999Wuttke, DeborahBiochemistry
1998Anseth, KristiChemical & Biological Engineering; Biofrontiers Institute
1998Rajaram, HariharCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
1998Tsai, Pei-SanIntegrative Physiology
1997Hernandez, MarkCivil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
1997Maksimovic, DraganElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
1997Piket-May, MelindaElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
1997Wurman, JoshuaAtmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
1996Brown, TimothyElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
1996Gin, DouglasChemical & Biological Engineering
1996Pao, LucyElectrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
1996Radzihovsky, LeoPhysics

If you have any questions about 91´«Ã½'s NSF CAREER Community Celebration or if you have any edits to the list of recipients above, please contact the Research & Innovation Office at rio@colorado.edu.

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