Change Submitted Grades
Submitting a Grade Change Request
Once you've posted final grades, you can no longer edit them.Depending on when grading closed and how many grades you need to change, you'll submit either a batch request or a workflow (individual) request.
Batch Requests
Use to submit grade changes for 10 or more students no later than two weeks after the final web grading deadline for the semester.
Workflow Requests
Use thegrade change workflow to submit an individual grade change if you miscalculateda student's grade, entered the wrong gradeon the roster or need to update an incomplete (I) or not reported (NR) to a letter grade.
Do not use the grade change workflow to:
- Update grades for dissertation or thesis hours.
- Change an incomplete grade once it has lapsed to an F. Instead, contact the student's college about submitting the special action/change of record spreadsheet.
- Request a grade change if a student has graduated or is no longer active in their program.
- Request a grade change if the grade roster has not yet been posted. Instead, please cancel your request and then post your roster. Once the roster is posted, then you may request changes.
If you failto submit grades on time, not reported (NR) notations are assigned to students with missing grades approximately three weeks after the final grading deadline. After NR grades are assigned, you will need to submit individual grade change requests to assign final grades.
Note: If an instructor no longer works at 91ý or their appointment has ended, their instructor affiliation has been removed and they can no longer submit the request. Academic departments should reach out the student's primary college, school or program for assistance with changing the grade.
Change of Record Requests
There are two scenarios in which the grade change workflow cannot be used anda change of record requestmust be submitted instead: intercampus updates and Z grade updates.
Reviewing a Grade Change Request
No review is required for batch requests; however, all workflow requests and change of record requests must be reviewed and approved by the student's college, school or program.
Contact Us
Grade-Change Workflow Instructions
- Instructors/Proxy Initiators (PDF - OnBase)
- Approvers (PDF - OnBase)