Accessibility Minute - September 2023

Disability Awareness Month 

The month of October is , commonly referred to as Disability Awareness Month, which “celebrates the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices that benefit employers and employees.”

2023 also marks the 50th anniversary of the . The amended Rehab Act “prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies, in programs receiving federal financial assistance, in federal employment, and in the employment practices of federal contractors.” While it is the 50th anniversary of the Rehab Act, important sections of this Act were not signed into law until years later. Due to tireless work from disability justice advocates . As we utilize this time to commemorate the 50th anniversary, it’s an important time for reflection on the past and where we’d like to continue to the future.

With that, the Digital Accessibility Office is utilizing this month to host a series of events to enhance awareness and celebrate disability, accessibility, and inclusivity. We invite all participants and newsletter subscribers to use this month to educate yourselves further and assess how you can advocate for individuals with disabilities and create an inclusive and accessible environment for all.

For additional event information, other learning opportunities, and ways to celebrate, visit the DAO Disability Awareness Month website.

If you are a 91ý staff, faculty, or student, you are welcome to all of the events listed below. If you are not affiliated with 91ý, we are hosting the A2Y Virtual Conference, which is available to the public. Please visit the links below to register for events that interest you. We look forward to seeing you there and please do not hesitate to contact us at DigitalAccessibility@Colorado.EDU if you have any questions.

Disability Awareness Month events

  • Accessibility Resource Fair

    • ³󲹳:a gathering of local off-campus organizations and on-campus resources dedicated to promoting accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. This event is welcome to all CU staff, faculty, and students.
    • ³:October 5th, 2023, from 11 AM to 4 PM
  • Accessible Yoga Day

    • ³󲹳:In collaboration with 91ý Recreation Services, we will host yoga classes for all abilities. No previous experience required. This event is welcome to all CU staff, faculty, and students.
    • ³:October 9th, 2023, from 10 AM to 11 (in-person session) and 4 PM to 4:45 PM (virtual session)
  • A2Y Conference

    • ³󲹳:this virtual conference is designed to bring participants together to engage in inspiring discussions, share best practices, and foster a more inclusive digital environment for all. This event is welcome to the public.
    • ³:October 19th, 2023, from 9 AM to 4 PM


In closing, we want to reiterate the importance of this milestone but also acknowledge that we all still have work to do. As we celebrate the achievements of the Rehabilitation Act, we also challenge you to continue to do the work and spread the word about the importance of accessibility in our work and our lives.

DAO News

By following us, you'll get access to behind-the-scenes insight on our office, information about our services, applicable accessibility tips posted every Tuesday, resources, upcoming event information, and more.

DAO Office Hours are now the 4th Tuesday of every month from 1 to 2 PM MT. Our next office hours will be held on Tuesday, October, 24th.

Your Thoughts

We want to hear from you about any questions or issues you run into while trying out this accessibility practice this month! Please send us your thoughts on this month’s topic.

If you have questions or comments, or would like support with accessibility, please contact us at DigitalAccessibility@Colorado.EDU.