Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee (TFAC)
The Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee (TFAC) shall consider issues pertaining to teaching faculty (aka instructors and clinical faculty, and where appropriate, lecturers), including but not limited to compensation, workload, performance review, promotion, contract renewal, inclusion in governance and campus culture, and intellectual freedom. The Committee shall periodically review Academic Affairs and other campus policies relating to the professional responsibilities of teaching faculty and shall advocate for the resources and professional opportunities needed for teaching faculty to carry out their duties. The Committee shall act as a clearinghouse for suggestions and concerns for teaching faculty matters.
Committee Composition
The Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee shall be comprised of eight faculty from different disciplines with at least two seats for BFA members, and two seats for tenured or tenure-track faculty. The committee may choose additional members, subject to approval by the BFA Executive Committee, to ensure sufficient membership to address specific issues and concerns as they arise. The Committee may invite, as the need arises, non-voting resource members who have valuable expertise pertaining to the Committee’s charge.
Administrative Liaison - The administrative liaison for the Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee is the Office of Faculty Affairs (Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs or his/her designee).
Interface with other Committees and Governance Bodies
The Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee shall interface with the BFA Faculty Affairs Committee on a regular basis, with the chair of TFAC attending Faculty Affairs Committee meetings as needed in a non-voting resource role.
As needs or opportunities arise, the BFA Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee will invite members of other governance bodies and/or their relevant committees to attend TFAC meetings as a non-voting resource member. Likewise, BFA TFAC would welcome the opportunity to attend the meetings of other governance bodies (or their respective committees), in a non-voting resource capacity, should the need or opportunity arise.
Fall 2024: TBD
- Executive Committee
- Academic Affairs Committee
- Academic Technologies & Services Committee
- Administrator Appraisal Committee
- Bylaws Committee
- Campus Operations and 91´«Ã½ Committee
- Climate Science and Education Committee
- Diversity Committee
- Faculty Affairs Committee
- Grievance Advisory Committee
- Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
- Nominations and Elections Committee
- Student Affairs Committee
- Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee