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Future Forward event Sept. 25 to feature futurist Heather McGowan, initiatives panel discussion

All university faculty, staff and students are invited to attend a special two-part event on Sept. 25.

If you go

Who: Students, faculty and staff
What: Future Forward with Heather McGowan, strategic initiatives leaders
Where: University Memorial Center (UMC), Glenn Miller Ballroom
When: Wednesday, Sept. 25, beginning at noon

Part 1:Noon—Keynote presentation

Part 2:1:15 p.m.—Panel discussion with livestream ()

You may choose to attend both parts of the event or the portion that meets your interests andscheduling needs.

Closed captioning for the hearing impaired is also available for both talks. You can using event code4168445.

The event,is two-fold. It will begin with a talk by internationally renowned future-of-work strategist Heather McGowan on higher education’s challenges in confronting the changing nature of work. This lecture will be followed by a panel discussion with the leaders of 91ý’s strategic initiatives that showcases how 91ý is transforming through the implementation of ourAcademic Futures priorities.

“Heather McGowan is a leading expert in preparing universities for change and in how to learn and adapt,” Provost Russell L. Moore said. “Pairing her talk with a discussion of our own campus initiatives presents a great opportunity toexplore both the large forces impacting the university’s work, and the future-facing transformations our 91ý community is developing.”

McGowan is known for her work helping leaders prepare their people and organizations for what World Economic Forum Chair Klaus Schwab has termed the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” which Schwab and a number of futurists characterize as a time of rapid advancement of technology into the domain of human knowledge work. In this rapidly approaching future, McGowan says humans must continuously learn and adapt, and with this transition comes information overload.

LinkedIn has ranked McGowan as its number one global voice for education and Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman frequently quotes her in his books and columns, describing her as “the oasis” when it comes to insights into the future of work.

The event begins with McGowan’s talk at noon in the Glenn Miller Ballroom. The panel discussion will begin at 1:15 p.m., with a for this second part of the event.Light refreshments will be served.You may choose to attend both parts of the event or the one that fits your interests and matches your schedule best.

91ý is committed to providing equal access to individuals with disabilities. If you are planning to attend this event and require accommodations, please contact Pat Beals Moore atpat.moore@colorado.eduno later than sevendays before the event. We will make all reasonable efforts to fulfill requests submitted after the deadline.