Summer 2022 /registrar/ en Summer & Fall 2024 Post-Enrollment Requirement Checking (PERC) /registrar/2024/05/14/summer-fall-2024-perc Summer & Fall 2024 Post-Enrollment Requirement Checking (PERC) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 05/06/2024 - 00:00 Tags: Enrollment Processing Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2022 Summer 2022 CU-SIS Development Team

Following what we've done in previous semesters, we'll be running the PERC process in batch for summer and fall according to the schedule below.

Just a reminder that post-enrollment requirement checking (PERC) gives admin users the ability to see if an enrolled student has met the requirements for a class and, if not, which requirements have not been met. Please note that the PERC process looks at both restrictions (major restrictions, minimum unit restrictions, etc.) and prereqs/coreqs that are set up as a requisite on the class.

For more detailed information about using PERC, navigation, using the drop feature via the PERC roster, etc., please see our PERC webpage.

Please note: If you want to drop a student because they do not meet the requirement, you can do so through the deadline to drop without a W grade. However, you should try to have these done before the first day of classes when possible. If you do drop a student, you are responsible for contacting the student to let them know they've been dropped and why.

Summer 2024 PERC Schedule

PERC will run for spring classes in the evening on the following dates:

  • May 16: After spring grading deadline and I-to-F conversion
  • June 5: After Maymester grading deadline (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 10: After grading deadline for sessions A, BS1 & E (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 31: After grading deadline for session C (could be a prereq for Augmester)

Fall 2024 PERC Schedule

PERC will run for fall classes in the evening on the following dates:

  • May 16: After spring grading deadline and I-to-F conversion
  • June 5: After Maymester grading deadline (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 10: After grading deadline for sessions A, BS1 & E (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 31: After grading deadline for session C (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • Aug. 14: After grading deadline for B/D sessions
  • Aug. 22: The Thursday before the first week of classes
  • Aug. 26: At the beginning of the semester
  • Aug. 30: After the first week of classes

Running PERC Manually

If you have class rosters that do not have the Post Enroll Req Status field populated after our last run of PERC on Aug. 30 (see example screenshot below), and the students without this field populated added the class prior to that date, please contact to inquire about running PERC manually on your class roster.



Following what we've done in previous semesters, we'll be running the PERC process in batch for summer and fall according to the schedule below.


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Mon, 06 May 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2199 at /registrar
Degree Audit System Upgrade, 7/6 /registrar/2022/06/27/degree-audit-system-upgrade-76 Degree Audit System Upgrade, 7/6 Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 06/27/2022 - 08:39 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Grading Summer 2022 Registrar Network

The degree audit system, uAchieve, will undergo a system upgrade on Wednesday, July 6 at 5 p.m. and is expected to be back up the morning of Thursday, July 7. Please save any changes and log out before then, as it'll be unavailable during this time.

The degree audit team has done extensive testing but there is potential for some student audits to process differently than they do currently, as we are moving up several versions in the product. Because of this, we are archiving audits from the current version for all active students as a reference. These archived audits will run, starting June 30. If there are any changes (e.g., exceptions processed or grade changes) made to a student’s record between June 30 and July 6 we will not be able to reference those as part of the archived audits, but they'll carry over to the new version.  

What's Changing?

While the majority of updates will occur behind the scenes, there will also be a few noticeable changes. Learn more below.

Student names will now appear in the correct columns when searching by student name:

"What if" dropdown Catalog Year is now represented by terms instead of a full catalog year. (Only fall and spring terms will be displayed.)

  • Students will only see the most current terms in descending order (i.e., Spring 2023, Fall 2022 and Spring 2022).
  • Advisors will see the most current terms, plus 10 years back in descending order (i.e., Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 ... Fall 2012).

Error messages will now show when running a student audit. If there is an issue with the degree audit, now you'll receive an error message alerting you that there is a problem. (Previously, if there was an issue with the audit it would appear to run and then no results would show.)

Multiple opened tabs with different student audits will now alert you that you are no longer looking at the current student. When several degree audit tabs are opened for different students in your web browser and you click on one that is not the most recently ran student, you''ll receive an alert with a redirect to the current students audit list.


If you have any questions or if a student’s audit is not reflecting coursework as expected after the upgrade, please reach out to or for undergraduate A&S to for assistance.


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Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:39:13 +0000 Anonymous 3272 at /registrar
Summer 2022 Advising Hold Changes Due Jan. 21 /registrar/2022/01/18/summer-2022-advising-holds Summer 2022 Advising Hold Changes Due Jan. 21 Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/18/2022 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Holds & To-Dos Summer 2022 CU-SIS Development Team Summer 2022 Advising Hold Timeline
  • Friday, Jan. 14: Last day for the CU-SIS Development team to contact departments with existing holds.
  • Friday, Jan. 21:
    • Deadline for departments with existing holds to submit additions, changes or deletions.
    • Deadline for departments to request a new advising hold (email your request to
  • Wednesday, Feb. 2: Deadline for departments to submit SID lists for batch processing (if applicable).
  • Thursday, Feb. 3: The CU-SIS Development team sets advising holds.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 15: Final advising hold deadline.
  • Wednesday, Feb. 16: Assigned enrollment dates are visible to students in Buff Portal. No new advising holds will be assigned.

We will be setting Summer 2022 advising holds (a.k.a., advising service indicators) for continuing students on Thursday, Feb. 3. Once set, these holds will prevent students in those programs from registering until they've met with their academic advisor.

If your department would like to discuss creating a new advising hold for Summer 2022, email the CU-SIS Development team with the details of your request by Friday, Jan. 21.

Review Your Holds

If your department currently uses advising holds, you should have received an email from the CU-SIS Development team last week to confirm the population and text of your hold. Reply with any necessary changes, additions or deletions by Friday, Jan. 21.

If your department's advising holds are assigned using an SID list, submit your list by noon on Wednesday, Feb. 2. Lists submitted after that date will be processed in the order in which they're received, allowing at least two business days for processing.

Notify Your Students

To support student success, academic departments are responsible for notifying their students when an advising hold is placed and for providing a clear explanation of the steps the student must take to have it released.

If you wish to request an e-memo, student communications are distributed by Strategic Relations & Communications using 91´«Ã½ Today and associated campus communication tools. Visit the  to view the different tools (e.g., 91´«Ã½ Today stories and administrative e-memos) and submit your message for campus audiences.

Release Holds Promptly

Advising holds now include a timeline for release (e.g., "After you've met with your advisor, your hold will be removed within three business days"). Please remove the advising hold as soon as you can after the student has received advising to ensure compliance with this timeline. 

For step-by-step instructions for both manual and batch removal, see our advising holds page.

We will be setting Summer 2022 advising holds for continuing students on Thursday, Feb. 3. Once set, these holds will prevent students in those programs from registering until they've met with their academic advisor.


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Tue, 18 Jan 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1798 at /registrar
Spring & Summer 2022 Course Proposal Deadlines /registrar/2021/08/26/spring-summer-2022-course-proposal-deadlines Spring & Summer 2022 Course Proposal Deadlines Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 08/26/2021 - 00:00 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Spring 2022 Summer 2022 Registrar Network

For inclusion in campus publications, your department's course proposals must have reached the PeopleSoft step in the curriculum workflow by the following deadlines (click link for details):

  • Wednesday, Sept. 1:.
  • Friday, Oct. 1:.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 1:.

To learn more, see our course proposals webpage or our curriculum update calendar.

For inclusion in campus publications, your department's course proposals must have reached the PeopleSoft step in the curriculum workflow by the following deadlines.


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Thu, 26 Aug 2021 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 3127 at /registrar