New CU-SIS Campus Solutions navigation: How CS users contributed to the new design
Who Received This Email?
University Information Services (UIS) sent this email on Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, to active 91´«Ă½ faculty and staff who have access to Campus Solutions' student center̀ưadmin view.
Dear [first],
The new CU-SIS Campus Solutions navigation launches on Oct. 24. Explore the tile-based navigation now by visiting thèư.
Learn how UIS's collaboration with users across all four CU campuses resulted in more intuitive and personalized navigation in our latest UIS News post,̀ư.
Here are some key takeaways:
- Users contributed to the new navigation through surveys and group activities.
- The tile format is more user-friendly and similar to the navigation in MyCU.
- Onboarding new users will be easier with personalized navigation options rather than fixed, default folders.
- Favorites will transfer, so save your go-to pages as favorites before Oct. 24.
- UX input doesn't end with the launch. UIS can continually iterate based on users' needs.
More than 1,000 users have visited thèừưalready, have you? We are eager to hear̀ư.
Art Figel
Director of Student IT Services
University Information Services̀ư| University of Colorado System Administration
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