Jazz ensembles enrollment

Currently, our jazz program enrollment is at full capacity; unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate non-jazz majors in our combos and big bands at this time.

However, we are offering a section for non-jazz majors; interested students should register for:

EMUS 1427-5427-002
Tuesdays only, 6:35-8:05 p.m.,Imig Music Building, E160

This will be a non-performing “lab” class where non-majors can work on improvisation, jazz theory, style, reading and repertoire.

Questions? Contact Thompson Jazz Studies Program Director John Gunther,john.gunther@colorado.edu.

Information for jazz majors

We will not be holding ensemble auditions. You will be placed in a big band and combo.


Everyone should enroll in a combo (Thursdays, 6:35-8:05 p.m.).

Combo course #(choose the appropriate number depending on your year):
EMUS 1437–001
EMUS 3437–001
EMUS 5437–001 (Grads may or may not enroll, depending on advisement ... but you’ll still play!)

Big bands

We have two big bands. One is a repertory band focusing on style, major composers, sight-reading, etc.; the other is a composer’s orchestra focusing on your composition, faculty and contemporary composers. One meets on Tuesdays and the other meets on Thursdays,both from 4:45-6:15 p.m.; halfway through the semester, you'll switch. On the days you are not meeting as a big band, you are meeting as sections ... so you’ll be busy on both Tuesdays and Thursdays.

All horn players should enroll in big band, as well asdrums, bass, piano and guitar. Thompson Jazz Studies Program Director John Guntherwill let you know if you are in a big band this fall. We’ll be assigning two rhythm sections to each band (four total) and then switch it up in the spring to make sure everyone gets a chance to play.

Big band course #(choose the appropriate number depending on your year):
EMUS 1427–001
EMUS 3427–001
EMUS 5427–001 (Grads may or may not enroll, depending on advisement ... but you’ll still play!)