Piano Pedagogy Audition Information

All undergraduate applicants must apply to the University of Colorado and complete a College of Music Admission Application. Applications may be obtained online through the Admissions section. Undergraduate auditions will not be scheduled until both applications have been received. Graduate students need only complete the graduate application.

Note: All graduate applicants in piano performance and in piano performance and pedagogy may also submit applications for the Graduate Assistantship in Accompanying and Teaching. Submit this form by January 1.

2024Ìýpiano audition date: Jan. 27

Pre-screening videos should follow the same guidelines as the audition requirements. Applicants should prepare a program of at least 45 minutes, consisting of three or more contrasting works representative of a variety of styles. The repertoire presented for pre-screening does not need to be exactly the same as that offered for the audition.

Master of Music

Applicants should prepare a program of at least 45 minutes, consisting of three or more contrasting works representative of a variety of styles. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate their personal strengths and interests in their repertoire choices, and to include repertoire by composers from historically underrepresented groups.

Additionally, applicants are requested to submit 20-30 minutes of video-recorded teaching samples in the form of two or three 10-minute lesson segments with different students in different levels. Include a document with information about the lessons and the students in the samples, including their ages and levels, how long you have worked with the students, the materials you currently use and have used in their lessons, the lesson goals in the included samples and your general assessment of the student (musically, technically, etc). Also include a self-assessment of the lesson samples (e.g., things that went well, things you would have done differently, etc.). As well, examples of writing samples (e.g., class papers), if available, are also encouraged.

Graduate degree sheets

Piano pedagogy ÌýÌýÌýÌý
Roser Piano and Keyboard Program