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Getting to know Marilyn Brock—interim director, Entrepreneurship Center for Music

Headshot of Marilyn Brock, interim director, Entrepreneurship Center for Music
The Entrepreneurship Center for Music (ECM) introduced a new face this academic year: While Professor of Composition and ECM Director Jeffrey Nytch is on sabbatical until fall 2024, Marilyn Brock fulfills the role of interim director.

Brock is a PhD candidate at Denver University, pursuing a degree in business administration. She also teaches classes in DU’s entrepreneurship program. Previously, Brock earned two music degrees—a bachelor’s in vocal performance from Pittsburg State University and a Master of Arts in musicology from DU.

“One of the things I tell my students frequently is how important it is to network and build relationships,” Brock says. “That’s how I came to be at the ECM. A friend of mine told me about the job and connected me with Jeff Nytch. From there, I did an interview and got the job offer the next day!”

In her current position, Brock works with students in classes, and runs events and workshops as the center director. “There are a few different pieces to this role,”Brock explains. “There are the courses I teach, looking at music business, careers and entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship Center for Music class
“I also advise on the music entrepreneurship capstone projects and serve as instructor of record for music internships.”

Brock says her goals for the ECM are to continue the momentum already in place and to use her connections to bring lessons about the broader music industry to our students.

“I love to provide opportunities for students to learn in the classroom, or in workshops, things that I had to learn the hard way,” she says. “Another goal for me is to develop as much collaboration as possible—within the College of Music, with other parts of campus, or even with guests that we have coming in this year. I also want to ensure that diverse voices are represented and that I’m creating a space where regardless of identity or background, students feel safe and feel a sense of belonging within the ECM.”

In fall 2023, Brock helped bring many guests to campus as part of the ECM’s Learning Lunch series: Informal chats about the business and administrative sides of the music industry. She also set up open house workshops about networking and worked with a local photographer to bring free headshot opportunities to students.

Entrepreneurship Center for Music class in session
Brock also brought several guest speakers to her Building Your Music Career classes, some of whom included College of Music leadership where panelists spoke about what they look for in applicants for jobs in higher education. Members of these panels included Dean John Davis, Diversity + Outreach Coordinator Alexis McClain, Assistant Dean for Advancement Andrew Todd and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies Margaret Berg.

“It’s rare that you would have a dean who is willing to take not one but two mornings to speak to a class, and I think that’s a really amazing reflection of the College of Music,” Brock says.

Brock—who will be with the College of Music through the spring semester—has plans for even more guests, workshops and Learning Lunches. “I want to give students the opportunity to learn as much as they can to support their own individual goals and find what drives them, what their passions are and how they can then support what they’re wanting to do with their music degrees.”

Photo credit for session photos:Kathryn Bistodeau