Students /law/ en Summer Job Spotlight: Emilee Calvin /law/2024/06/27/summer-job-spotlight-emilee-calvin Summer Job Spotlight: Emilee Calvin Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 06/27/2024 - 13:25 Categories: News Students Tags: homepage news

The summer months serve as an excellent opportunity for our Law Buffs to dive into their areas of interest and take on summer work that helps them develop their legal skills. In this series, we are thrilled to highlight just a few of our rising 2L and 3L students and learn more about what they are up to this summer.  

This week, we are highlighting Emilee Calvin ‘26, who is working as a legal intern for the Honorable Kathryn A. Starnella at the U.S. District Court of Colorado. 

What interested you in this particular role? 

EC: I am hoping to clerk in the federal courts after law school. I was interested in working with Judge Starnella because I hoped to obtain insight into the day-to-day life of a clerk. I also wanted to gain a better understanding of how the court works and what judges see as effective advocacy.  

What is your day-to-day like in this job? 

EC: Day to day I attend hearings as well as work on researching and drafting orders on various motions filed with the court.  

What has been your favorite part of the job so far? 

EC: So far, my favorite part of the job is observing court proceedings and seeing the various ways lawyers advocate for their clients.  

What do you hope to learn in this role? 

EC: I hope to become a strong legal writer. I also hope to learn what makes a good lawyer and how to become one myself.  

Outside of work, what have you been up to this summer? 

EC: On the weekends, I spend a lot of time outside hiking, swimming, and enjoying the sun with my boyfriend and golden retriever. We explore Colorado when we are not working.  



The summer months serve as an excellent opportunity for our Law Buffs to dive into their areas of interest and take on summer work that helps them develop their legal skills. In this series, we are thrilled to highlight just a few of our rising 2L and 3L students and learn more about what they are up to this summer. This week, we are highlighting Emilee Calvin ‘26, who is working as a legal intern for the Honorable Kathryn A. Starnella at the U.S. District Court of Colorado.


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Thu, 27 Jun 2024 19:25:05 +0000 Anonymous 12092 at /law
Celebrating the Class of 2024 /law/2024/05/30/celebrating-class-2024 Celebrating the Class of 2024 Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 05/30/2024 - 09:50 Categories: News Students Tags: homepage news

On Friday, May 10, 191 graduates from all around the world gathered with faculty, family, and dear friends for the 129th commencement ceremony honoring the Colorado Law class of 2024.  


After the procession concluded, Colorado Law Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss took the podium to recognize graduates and provide her opening remarks. Dean Inniss touched upon the theme of living at the intersection of courage and joy. She began with a quote by Maya Angelou, and followed with her own definition of the terms. 

Inniss then shared a story from her childhood, which concluded with the lesson that courage and joy don’t have to be performed in front of others to have meaning and value—and that Colorado Law graduates should live a life of courage and joy as they choose.  

Dean Inniss concluded her remarks with a land acknowledgement, then welcomed Jayson Highwalking to the stage to perform a powerful honor song. 

This was followed by welcoming remarks in Spanish given by Prof. Violeta Chapin.  

Next, Prof. Blake Reid ’10 had the honor of both recognizing the top fifteen percent of the class as members of the Order of the Coif and presenting this year's recipient of the Honorary Order of the Coif, David Stark ’73. Reid shared, “We could not be prouder of each of you for overcoming the numerous challenges you have faced to be here today, and for the high level of resilient growth that you have shown over your time here at Colorado Law.” 

David Stark ’73 expressed his gratitude for receiving the Honorary Order of the Coif and thanked his family, law firm, and the Law Alumni Board. Stark shared a brief story about his life-changing mentor in the legal profession and advised students, “Find a mentor – one that you respect and trust, and one that respects and trusts you.”   

Class President Stephanie Reifenberg took the podium next, sharing with her classmates, “This moment is a celebration of all the achievements – as well as many others, that have brought us here today.” 

Reifenberg reflected on beginning law school during the pandemic and how much has changed since the devastation of the global public health crisis. She shared: “Take a moment to celebrate your perseverance in the face of those challenges- you have earned this moment—soak  it in.” 

The program continued with Class Treasurer Justin Maloney presenting the class gift, which will go towards improving technology for future law school students. Additionally, the class of 2024’s Andrew Clark will be donating some of his art to the law school. Then Class Secretary Brittney Beetcher presented faculty and student awards.  

Class Vice President Anita Klaezer introduced keynote speaker John Echohawk (Pawnee), Executive Director and founder of the . 

Echohawk shared his journey in the legal field, from growing up in New Mexico and being encouraged to attend law school, to working in Federal American Indian Law and founding the Native American Rights Fund. Echohawk also detailed the impact Colorado Law has had on tribal land management, and other critical areas of Native American Law. He concluded, “When I started law school, I didn't know what I wanted to do with a law degree, I just wanted to be a lawyer. I developed that interest --that passion--pretty quickly, and I hope you all do as well.  If you haven't found that passion yet, keep looking. Go change the world.”  

Assistant Dean of Student Services Emily Horowitz announced the hooding of the graduates, and each of the students triumphantly walked across the stage.  Law Alumni Board Chair Caitlin McHugh ’12 then welcomed them to Colorado Law's extraordinary alumni community. As the program drew to a close, Dean Inniss recited the traditional Sears Charge and the audience let loose a final wave of congratulatory applause. Then everyone headed back to the Wolf Law Building to celebrate at the reception.  


On Friday, May 10, 191 graduates from all around the world gathered with faculty, family, and dear friends for the 129th commencement ceremony honoring the Colorado Law class of 2024.


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Thu, 30 May 2024 15:50:34 +0000 Anonymous 12077 at /law
In Her Honor: Celebrating Mother's Day at Colorado Law /law/2024/05/15/her-honor-celebrating-mothers-day-colorado-law In Her Honor: Celebrating Mother's Day at Colorado Law Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 05/15/2024 - 13:06 Categories: Alumni News Students Tags: homepage news

In honor of Mother’s Day, we are celebrating members of our community who balance or balanced parenthood while pursuing a legal degree! 

“Law school is not an endeavor to be taken lightly—ever. To rise to this challenge while raising children is nothing short of heroic in my view,” remarked Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss. “I am proud of our community members who have achieved so much, and I relate in a personal way having become a mother to twin boys during my time at UCLA Law.” 

Read on to learn more about some of our amazing current students and alumni who raised children while in law school! 

Kristina Konstantinovna Abdalla ’24 

“The saying “the hardest things in life bring the greatest rewards” has rang true throughout my experience of having a baby in the middle of law school. It has truly been one of the more difficult experiences to balance the obligations that come with school, work, and this new life. However, after learning how to function on less sleep, I also gained invaluable skills of prioritization, efficient time management, and the “big-picture” perspective. The Colorado Law community has made this experience that much more manageable. I am so thankful for the thoughtfulness expressed by the administration and faculty and the village of Colorado Law friends that have doubled as aunties and free babysitters!”  

Hannah Ahders ’25 

“I found out I was pregnant 2 days before I got my LSAT score! Since then, I remind myself that I don't have to be just a mom or just a student. I can be both, and so much more! I love being a toddler mom and making friends with other student parents. Both school and parenting have provided great perspective that support each role symbiotically. I'm so grateful to Student Affairs, my professors, and classmates for supporting me and other student parents.” 

Susanne Holloway ’17 

“My first day of law school was also my son's first day of kindergarten. The ensuing three years as both a full-time single mother to two young children and law student were much harder than I had imagined they would be, but understanding professors, clinic partners, mentors, and classmates all helped make the completion of my degree possible. While I couldn't easily attend study groups, my kids would gamely discuss water law and Federal courts with me over dinner. I realized their comprehension of due process was sound when I found them carrying out a pretend criminal trial one day, presided over by my daughter, with a small stuffed horse providing legal representation (albeit using a property law case book!) for my defendant son. Sadly, the verdict was guilty... perhaps because of ineffective counsel? 

I was so lucky to share the trials and triumphs of being a single mom in law school with three other amazing single mom/law student women – Shannon ‘16, Brooke ‘17, and Cassy ‘18 – and am grateful to still share their friendship today.” 

Jessica Lowrey ’12 

“I started law school with 3-year-old twins. I found the other student moms right away and we supported each other. It was a very different experience from the rest of my classmates. I found balance by always being home for dinner and bedtime and taking Saturdays off from studying. It was very hard but it was worth it. My boys were and are proud of me for following my passion.” 

Submit your stories for "In His Honor"

Everyone raising amazing kids deserves to be celebrated, and we are already accepting submissions for our Father's Day article next month. Those who do not identify as a mother or father are enthusiastically invited to submit their stories whenever feels most comfortable using the following survey:, or send us a message at 



In honor of Mother’s Day, we are celebrating members of our community who balance or balanced parenthood while pursuing a legal degree!


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Wed, 15 May 2024 19:06:55 +0000 Anonymous 12074 at /law
Public Defenseless: A Podcast by Hunter Parnell /law/2024/04/25/public-defenseless-podcast-hunter-parnell Public Defenseless: A Podcast by Hunter Parnell Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 04/25/2024 - 10:05 Categories: News Students Tags: homepage news Emily Battaglia

Hunter Parnell ’26 always knew he wanted a career that involved working in the legal system. Growing up, he witnessed firsthand how the criminal justice system treated people as cases to be dealt with quickly instead of as human beings with unique needs. His passion and interest in our justice system was furthered as Parnell earned his degree in legal studies at the United States Air Force Academy.  

After the killing of George Floyd, however, Parnell was certain he wanted to help improve our justice system in some fashion, but he did not know where to start.  

“I researched every state’s public defense system and wrote a 550-page book,” Parnell shared.  

While the book didn’t get published, the project allowed Parnell to engage with several individuals doing public defense work. This research and writing process demonstrated to him even more fully that reforming public defense work is an instrumental part of addressing so many problems in the legal system. With that inspiration at the helm, the podcast was born. 

“I want to educate regular people on the legal system,” Parnell shares of the podcast’s goal. “They know something is wrong [with the legal system], but they don’t know exactly what and why. I also want it [the podcast] to be a place where criminal defense practitioners, researchers, academics, and people working on criminal legal policy can learn from the success and failures of people around the country.” 

Featuring guests from across the U.S., the podcast provides listeners with the knowledge and resources they need to help shape the future of Public Defense reform.  

“The legal system is broken from the moment people get arrested to the very end, and at the core of this is a failure to get people the right to counsel and the right to a jury trial. All of that is a much bigger picture, and the people who can elucidate that picture are public defenders, people who work on policy, and people who every single day see the way that all the laws we talk about in isolation work in practice.”  

In summary, “Public Defenseless” aims to give people a more systemic view of the criminal legal system, while also highlighting the difference between the theory of law versus how the law plays out in practice.  

Since the release of the first episode in December 2021, the podcast has amassed roughly 2,500 subscribers and nearly 9,000 monthly downloads. With over 230 episodes, it is currently ranked 26th on the   “Public Defenseless” is also regularly featured by the and in weekly news roundups by the   

One of the most popular features two attorneys from the defense team of --Casey Secor and Kate O’Shea of Throughout the course of the two-hour episode, the guests explain the ways in which Cruz was repeatedly failed by numerous social, educational, and health care systems from birth until the day he committed the shooting. 

“That case is powerful because Cruz committed a horrific crime, but they were able to convince three out of twelve jurors that he should get life over death,” Parnell said. “When you only read about these cases you don't get the full picture of what those jurors heard, and speaking with those two was a really powerful reminder of what we aren’t necessarily taught in law school about how the death penalty works.” 

Speaking of law school, Parnell explained how working on the podcast has influenced the way he approaches his legal education. 

“Speaking with people from these jurisdictions across the country has informed the way I approach law school, rather than the reverse,” Parnell explained. “I have had a lot of law professors on [the podcast], and we talk about what legal academia can do to better prepare students for how things [in the legal system] actually work.” 

Parnell’s work on the podcast has affirmed his desire to become a Public Defender once he graduates.  

“I will do representation as long as I can,” Parnell shared. “I can also envision myself at some point doing policy work.” 

The Colorado Law community looks forward to the way Parnell’s podcast will continue to serve as a resource for the legal— and public defense—community. Listen to “Public Defenseless” wherever you get your podcasts, and follow the show on Twitter and Instagram. 

Hunter Parnell ’26 always knew he wanted a career that involved working in the legal system. Growing up, he witnessed firsthand how the criminal justice system treated people as cases to be dealt with quickly instead of as human beings with unique needs. His passion and interest in our justice system was furthered as Parnell earned his degree in legal studies at the United States Air Force Academy.


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Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:05:00 +0000 Anonymous 12064 at /law
Colorado Law Celebrates the Fourth Annual BIPOC Cord Ceremony /law/2024/04/01/colorado-law-celebrates-fourth-annual-bipoc-cord-ceremony Colorado Law Celebrates the Fourth Annual BIPOC Cord Ceremony Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/01/2024 - 15:10 Categories: News Students events Tags: homepage news Emily Battaglia

This year marks the fourth annual BIPOC Cord Ceremony.  This ceremony serves as an important way for Colorado Law to recognize the achievements of graduating Black, Indigenous, and other students of color.  A relatively new addition to the commencement celebrations at Colorado Law, the event has grown into a cherished tradition. What makes this tradition particularly unique, however, is that it was created by a student, Larrisa Alire ’23, during her time as a 1L. 

“I graduated from my undergrad in the midst of the pandemic in 2020,” Alire explained. “Not being able to have a public celebration to share that moment with my family, friends and mentors that unconditionally supported me crushed me. Especially as a first-generation, low-income Latina student.” 

When Alire arrived at Colorado Law as a 1L and learned that the graduating class was having a virtual ceremony, she sprang into action with the aid of Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusive Excellence Fernando Guzman, Director of Events and Inclusive Programming Yesenia Delgado, and Assistant Director of Facilities & Operations Jamie Henderson to ensure our BIPOC law students would not feel the way she --and many other graduates of color--felt across the country.  

“This was important because for so long people like us were physically excluded and discouraged from attending higher education,” Alire said. “To have that graduation moment was pivotal to celebrating the upcoming generations, and honoring the ones that came before us and weren’t afforded the same opportunities.” 

Even though Alire has since graduated, the ceremony continues to be led by the Council for Racial Justice and Equity (CRJE), a student organization that advocates for and designs policy changes to Colorado Law concerning diversity and racial justice. 

“Students of color at Colorado Law are often lifting each other up and celebrating each other, and so it follows that they would be the ones spearheading efforts to recognize each other's contributions,” said Leonard Nguyen ’24, a CRJE co-facilitator. “The significance of the event being student-led speaks to the value of representation in the legal community: the needs and joys of communities of color often go unnoticed until they gain a seat at the table.” 

Alire also emphasized that the student-led nature of the event allows student leaders to work with other graduates of color to choose how they can best celebrate and honor themselves, their family, and their community. The first year of the ceremony, Alire recalls asking a student what gift she should buy graduates and was then directed to a local Black-owned business that sold handmade skin care products.  

“This student’s comment really changed my outlook on the ceremony... I realized that we could use our power in planning the event to uplift other BIPOC communities,” Alire shared. “From then on, each vendor from food, gifts, performers, stole makers, DJs, etc. have been BIPOC people and BIPOC-founded organizations. Even our keynote speakers that are BIPOC legal community members and alumni have commented that they wish they had something like the BIPOC cord Ceremony when they attended Colorado Law.” 

Additionally, the CRJE works with affinity groups to design their own stoles.  

“The process of designing the stoles as a group and the excitement of knowing that your culture and heritage will be a part of your graduation regalia is honorable,” Alire said. “It is always exciting to see what each student group will decide to create.” 

For this year’s ceremony, the CRJE has selected the Honorable Gary M. Jackson ’70, Senior Judge (retired) as the keynote speaker. Judge Jackson has been a prominent member of the Denver legal community for over 50 years and has been the recipient of numerous accolades and awards during his career, including Colorado Law’s William Lee Knous Award, Sonny Flowers Award, and 91ý’s George Norlin Award, among others. Nguyen shared that students are looking forward to hearing his perspective of Colorado Law’s evolution and visions for its future. 

"This is truly a special occasion for me to be the keynote speaker at the Cord ceremony,” Judge Jackson shared. “I have had a 60-year friendship with CU-Boulder and the law school. The speaking opportunity ranks with being a member of the original Sam Cary Scholarship Endowment Fund Board in 1986 and giving its first scholarship to a Black CU law student and continuing annually for 38 years to give scholarships. It will be an honor to attend the ceremony." 

When reflecting on how far the ceremony has come since its first year, Alire said she feels overwhelmed with gratitude.  

 “As a 1L [2021], the celebration was very small due to COVID restrictions — the graduates were allowed to bring two family members in the courtroom, everyone was masked and photos were taken of the graduate and Dean Anaya at the time,” Alire shared. 

Last year, however, the celebration erupted into an overflowing Wittemyer courtroom filled with friends, family, mentors, faculty, alumni and practitioners in the Colorado legal community, all excited to celebrate our graduates being corded.  

“The huge reception [last year] took up the entire garden level of the library, and just reminiscing about the laughter and happiness that could be felt from that room makes me smile,” Alire said. “I hope that Colorado Law continues this tradition, and I hope one day I can look back and continue to be amazed at how much it continues to grow.” 

Dean Lolita Buckner Inniss appreciates the impact the ceremony has on our students.  

“For the last four years, the BIPOC Cord Ceremony has played a vital part in honoring the triumphs of our diverse graduates,” Inniss shared. “This ceremony particularly resonates with me as someone from a low-income Black family, and as a first-generation college and law school attendee. The leadership of our students, and their commitment to lifting one another up and celebrating their achievements is admirable and reflects strongly on the values we share here at Colorado Law. Additionally, we are thrilled to have Hon. Gary Jackson bring his expertise, lived experience, and fellowship with our legal community as this year’s keynote speaker.” 

The BIPOC Cord Ceremony is an invitation-only event. For questions, please contact or 




This year marks the fourth annual BIPOC Cord Ceremony. This ceremony serves as an important way for Colorado Law to recognize the achievements of graduating Black, Indigenous, and other students of color. A relatively new addition to the commencement celebrations at Colorado Law, the event has grown into a cherished tradition. What makes this tradition particularly unique, however, is that it was created by a student, Larrisa Alire ’23, during her time as a 1L.


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Mon, 01 Apr 2024 21:10:36 +0000 Anonymous 11956 at /law
Stellar Employment Outcomes for Class of 2023 /law/2024/04/01/stellar-employment-outcomes-class-2023 Stellar Employment Outcomes for Class of 2023 Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/01/2024 - 14:31 Categories: News Students Tags: homepage news Emily Battaglia

Since 1892, Colorado Law has provided students with a top-notch legal education, preparing them to enter the workforce with the skills, confidence, and expertise needed to make an impact. Every year, employers across the state and nation are impressed with our graduating class, and the past few years have been especially inspiring. We spoke with Todd Rogers, Assistant Dean for Career Development, about our graduates’ recent successes.  

“Post-grad employment success of Colorado Law students starts with securing quality jobs during law school,” said Todd Rogers, Assistant Dean for Career Development. “Our students consistently seek out growth opportunities in their summer and academic-year work. Because of this, they graduate with a portfolio of experiences that flatten their learning curves. They’re a hardworking group, confident yet humble, and hungry to improve!” 

The class of 2023’s employment stats are just one testament to Colorado Law’s dedication to ensuring the success of our students long after they walk out the doors of Wolf Law.  

  • 95% (163/171) of the class of 2023 reported post-graduate employment 

  • 90% (154/171) of 2023 graduates reported full-time jobs lasting one year or more that either require bar passage or for which a JD is an advantage. 

  • 84% (144/171) of 2023 graduates reported full-time, long-term jobs requiring bar passage.     

These impressive statistics are owed in part to our exceptional career development team. Colorado Law's Career Development Office (CDO) specializes in connecting law students with employers both during the academic year and the summer. Starting with 1L Orientation, where career and professional development is a central theme, the CDO encourages students to take an intentional and creative approach to planning their careers. The team includes six dedicated professionals with experience helping students and alumni succeed in the current employment climate. 

“My role, and the role of our entire Career Development team at Colorado Law, is to support our students’ career explorations in a positive atmosphere,” Rogers said. “We emphasize a long-term outlook, and consistently prepare students to secure and excel in summer, fall, and spring work. At its best, job-hunting during law school is empowering and reveals meaningful insights about what makes someone tick. And when the law school jobs fall into place, the post-grad job search can be relatively short!” 

The CDO organizes dozens of career panels, workshops, networking events, mock interviews, access to our robust alumni network, and individual advising sessions. Each counselor has a specialty area and is responsible for outreach and engagement with employers in that specialty. Additionally, the office works with a wide range of employers and offers counseling, resources, programming, and relationship building events to help students pursue opportunities with law firms in private practice, organizations in the public sector, business employers, judges across the country, and nontraditional employers who value the skills students develop in law school. 

“The [employment] process often includes exploring career options with attorneys at events such as the CDO’s Morning Coffee series and lunchtime Intro to Practice (fall) and Deep Dives (spring) events,” Rogers explained. “Through these targeted networking opportunities, Colorado Law students gain exposure to a wide variety of career opportunities, which they in turn can discuss and brainstorm with CDO counselors.”  

In addition to these ongoing career development and networking opportunities, Colorado Law also has a successful that connects participating students with the professional world beyond the law school building and expands their professional networks.  

“Our mentoring program gives each mentee the opportunity to build a relationship with a trusted advisor as the student defines their professional identity and navigates law school and the early stages of their career.” said Alexia McCaskill, Senior Director for Professional Development. “Colorado Law students are intentional in how they prepare themselves for the post-grad world both through the coursework they undertake and the hands-on experiences in which they engage during their time at Colorado Law. Additionally, they care about community and consistently exhibit what it means to be a good colleague to those around them.” 

The program is looking to connect with alums and other legal professionals interested in potentially mentoring our students. If you are interested in learning more about our mentoring program and getting involved, please contact Alexia McCaskill at 

Since 1892, Colorado Law has provided students with a top-notch legal education, preparing them to enter the workforce with the skills, confidence, and expertise needed to make an impact. Every year, employers across the state and nation are impressed with our graduating class, and the past few years have been especially inspiring. We spoke with Todd Rogers, Assistant Dean for Career Development, about our graduates’ recent successes.


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Mon, 01 Apr 2024 20:31:53 +0000 Anonymous 11955 at /law
Colorado Law Democrats revive annual Law School Talent Show /law/2024/03/28/colorado-law-democrats-revive-annual-law-school-talent-show Colorado Law Democrats revive annual Law School Talent Show Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 03/28/2024 - 13:58 Categories: News Students events Tags: homepage news

This past month, Colorado Law Democrats and the Class of 2025 officers hosted a talent show, reviving a treasured tradition among Law Buffs who took part in and attended similar talent shows in their law school days. Staff, faculty, and students gathered in Schaden Commons to witness the varied skills of the law school community. It was a fun evening of performance, laughter, and refreshments – a perfect way to lift spirits on a cold Thursday evening. 

The show kicked off with Prof. Scott Skinner-Thompson's rendition of “You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton, featuring new lyrics about becoming lawyers. Skinner- Thompson cleverly renamed it "You'll Be Back [Lawyers]." “It was a tremendously joyous evening full of laughs,” Skinner- Thompson remarked.  

This musical masterpiece was followed up by Assistant Dean for Employer Relations and Outreach Marci Fulton, who delivered a very funny stand-up comedy routine with fish themed jokes.  

Prof. Blake Reid (guitar) and Director of Marketing and Communications Robyn Munn took the stage next, performing Teddy Swims’ single “Lose Control” and Amy Winehouse’s version of “Valerie.” Munn, former member of the Austin, TX based indie folk group , shared “It was so fun to participate in the talent show and even more fun to see my friends and colleagues in a whole different context. We have a seriously talented community!” 

Director of Schaden Experiential Learning Program Gabrielle Daley followed the musical duo, with a lively swing dancing routine set to “Communication” by Slim Gaillard.  

Hannah Ahders ’25, who was originally scheduled to tell a story of intrigue and suspense, shared a joke. Ahders’ delivery was excellent, and the payoff was great.  

Next, Bob “Bob Dylan” Sherman ’25 played a beautiful guitar song and had the entire audience singing along at the end. Props to Sherman for getting audience participation to work! 

Lance Keeble ’26 played a heartrendingly beautiful Townes Van Zandt song, accompanied by his quiet, haunting vocals.  

Stephen Wheeler ’26 also took the stage with his guitar, playing a medley of pop songs without vocals. Wheeler cleverly engaged the audience, asking them to try and guess which songs he was playing – which was a treat for everyone watching.   

“For me, the talent show was an opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone,” Wheeler shared. “I almost never perform in front of people (mostly out of fear of failure), and similar to my experience with law school in general so far, it was met with the full support and encouragement of the Colorado Law community. There was a sense of light-heartedness in the room that night that seemed to put everyone at ease, and it really created an environment to connect with students and staff on a deeper level.” 

 Prof. Rabea Benhalim followed Wheeler’s performance, sharing a phenomenal story that had audience members keeling over with laughter. 

Finally, the Class of 2025’s Chris Hooyman, Bob Sherman, Pablo Perez, and Mariah Bowman sang a revised “Colorado Law version” of The White Stripes "We're Going to Be Friends.” This talented quartet closed out the evening with a rendition of “Closing Time,” during which the entire audience joined in, flashing their phone lights as if they were attending a Semisonic concert.  

“We took on the challenge to revive the talent show tradition, with the logistic and performative help from administration, resulting in an endearing gathering of the Colorado Law community where we all supported each other’s hidden passions,” Perez shared. 

“The work was truly worth the entertaining and beautiful experience, garnering enough support from students, faculty, and staff to maintain the tradition,” Bowman said. “I suppose we can drop out now and just pursue our undiscovered talents instead.” 

Thank you to our incredible students for putting on this event, our amazing performers for their artistic vulnerability, and of course, all of our enthusiastic attendees – we can't wait for next year!  



This past month, Colorado Law Democrats and the Class of 2025 officers hosted a talent show, reviving a treasured tradition among Law Buffs who took part in and attended similar talent shows in their law school days. Staff, faculty, and students gathered in Schaden Commons to witness the varied skills of the law school community.


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Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:58:54 +0000 Anonymous 11953 at /law
Oliver Skelly '25 Named Inaugural 2024 Conscience Bay Company Western Water Policy Fellow /law/2024/03/25/oliver-skelly-25-named-inaugural-2024-conscience-bay-company-western-water-policy-fellow Oliver Skelly '25 Named Inaugural 2024 Conscience Bay Company Western Water Policy Fellow Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 03/25/2024 - 10:50 Categories: News Students Tags: homepage news Getches-Wilkinson Center

Originally published by the Getches-Wilkinson Center on March 21, 2024. 

University of Colorado Law School student Oliver Skelly ’25 is this year’s inaugural Conscience Bay Company Western Water Policy Fellow. The Conscience Bay Company Western Water Policy Fellowship, initiated in 2023 by leaders of the , is awarded each year to a Colorado Law student on the basis of academic performance, commitment to public service, and interest in the study of Western water law and policy. To the extent practicable, each Conscience Bay Company Western Water Policy Fellow will focus on a specific project in advancing innovative solutions for sustainable management of water in the Western United States.

As a legal intern at Colorado Water Trust, Oliver helped develop a first-of-its-kind water and land valuation model, reviewed water sharing agreements, and wrote and briefed Trust staff on anything from the Sackett decision to the equity impacts of the 15-Mile Reach Project. In his current and former role as a law clerk at Trout Raley and Somach Simmons & Dunn, respectively, he has further refined his legal writing and research skills by drafting memos on tribal water rights settlements, geothermal regulations, the private right to condemnation, and many other issues within the Colorado doctrine.

Oliver’s personal and professional experience has given him the ability to view issues holistically, critically analyze them, then develop collaborative, considerate solutions. He is immensely passionate about the future of water in the American West, particularly Colorado’s role as a headwater state, and looks forward to the continuation of his work in this ever-changing landscape.

University of Colorado Law School student Oliver Skelly ’25 is this year’s inaugural Conscience Bay Company Western Water Policy Fellow.


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Mon, 25 Mar 2024 16:50:15 +0000 Anonymous 11952 at /law
Mariah Bowman '25 Named 2024-2025 Colorado Law Wyss Scholar /law/2024/03/20/mariah-bowman-25-named-2024-2025-colorado-law-wyss-scholar Mariah Bowman '25 Named 2024-2025 Colorado Law Wyss Scholar Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 03/20/2024 - 14:34 Categories: News Students Tags: homepage news

Originally published in the Getches-Wilkinson Center Blog on March 20, 2024

University of Colorado Law School student Mariah Bowman ’25 has been named the 2024-2025 Colorado Law Wyss Scholar in U.S. Lands Conservation. Bowman, a J.D. candidate, is Colorado Law’s seventh Wyss Scholar. , funded by the , is awarded to one Colorado Law student each year, supports graduate-level education for promising leaders in United States land conservation. Recipients receive generous financial assistance to cover the full cost of one year of law school, as well as funds for internship opportunities, research assistance, and postgraduate support. Wyss Scholars learn the latest in conservation law and policy and apply that knowledge in careers at land management agencies and nonprofit conservation groups.

Mariah is a third generation Coloradoan. She used to be interested in pursuing a career in solely land conservation. Now, she believes that without climate action, we can set aside all the land we want, but it will be sick land. She wants to combine her love for the land with her overwhelming certainty that climate action is the best thing we can do for it. She hopes to pursue a career at the crossroads of land conservation and climate policy, working for either the state or federal government.

By the time she graduates law school, she will have a wide breadth of experience both working for governments generally and doing environmental work for them. She will have worked for local, state and federal governments. And she will have worked for all three branches of the federal government, and at least two branches of state governments. She is committed to understanding how the levers of power work, so that she can help move them to protect our land, health, and future.

Before law school, she served as the Chief of Staff to Delegate Gooditis, who was then the Vice Chair of the Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural 91ý Committee in the Virginia House of Delegates. Because of this committee assignment, she researched and drafted many environmental bills, working with state officials, advocacy organizations, and industry stakeholders to do so.

She is particularly excited by the Wyss Scholar network, and having opportunities to connect with others who are doing important work in land conservation. She has accepted an internship with the U.S. Department of Justice Environment and Natural 91ý Division for this Summer. She hopes to continue to do conservation work for the rest of her life, and believes the Wyss Scholarship will be instrumental in this pursuit.

Mariah Bowman ’25 has been named the 2024-2025 Colorado Law Wyss Scholar in U.S. Lands Conservation. Bowman, a J.D. candidate, is Colorado Law’s seventh Wyss Scholar.


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Wed, 20 Mar 2024 20:34:26 +0000 Anonymous 11950 at /law
Leap Day Trivia Night Fundraiser for the Class of 2024 Class Gift /law/2024/02/07/leap-day-trivia-night-fundraiser-class-2024-class-gift Leap Day Trivia Night Fundraiser for the Class of 2024 Class Gift Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 02/07/2024 - 16:53 Categories: News Students

On February 29 from 6 - 8 pm (MT) the Class of 2024 Class Officers are bringing back the most competitive competition Colorado Law has ever seen: trivia night! 

Join us for Leap Day Trivia Night, MC’d by Colorado Law’s very own Professor Bloom with technology and zoom room logistics run by the wonderful Marci Fulton! This event will be held virtually so your team can gather in the comfort of your own home, a study room on campus, at your favorite local brewery, or anywhere else with a wifi connection and good vibes!

The entrance fee per team is $20, with all proceeds going to the Class of 2024 class gift! Teams can include up to 8 members and can include family, friends, Colorado Law alumni, mentors, or anyone else you trust to carry you to the win. 

To register, fill  providing the team leader’s name and email address, and the names of all team members. The team leader will be emailed a link for the trivia night closer to the event date, so please ensure this email address is correct! The last day to register is February 22.

To pay the entrance fee, you can use Venmo, @stephaniereifenberg (last four of phone number are 5290), or if it would be more convenient to pay in cash, you can email the class officers to arrange to drop off cash.

The Class of 2024 Class Officers greatly appreciate your contribution and engagement in this event! Additionally, they want to be sure this event is open to anyone who would like to join. This is a fundraiser for their class gift, so if your team can pay the $20 they would greatly appreciate it, but they do not want a team to be discouraged if the cost would be a burden. If the cost is prohibitive of your team joining, please reach out, so they can ensure you’re able to participate.

On February 29 from 6 - 8 pm (MT) the Class of 2024 Class Officers are bringing back the most competitive competition Colorado Law has ever seen: trivia night!


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Wed, 07 Feb 2024 23:53:32 +0000 Anonymous 11907 at /law