New Student Health Requirements

cu boulder mascot chip posing on a hammock

All incoming undergraduate and graduate students must complete a set of health requirements before coming to campus. 

Required tasks


All students must submit proof of required vaccinations and complete a tuberculosis screening questionnaire. 

Complete your immunizations 

Health Insurance

All students are required to carry a comprehensive medical insurance plan while attending 91传媒. 

Complete your insurance 

HealthyBuffs Check-In

All undergraduate students are required to complete a short, confidential survey related to health and well-being at 91传媒. 

Consent to Treat a Minor

Students under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian complete a consent form to access healthcare services on campus. 

Complete the consent form 

Optional next steps

Transfer prescriptions

The Apothecary Pharmacy on campus is a full-service pharmacy open to all students. It accepts most nationwide insurance plans. 

  Apothecary Pharmacy

Register for accommodations

Students with disabilities can register with Disability Services to receive reasonable academic accommodations and services. 

  Disability Services

Schedule a consultation

If you are receiving ongoing medical or mental health treatment, you can schedule a consultation with our chronic care team. 

  Chronic Care Team

Support resources

Immunizations support

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Insurance support

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
