Grad Features
- Lydia Mercante, a distinguished graduate from Long Island, will earn her B.EnvD in sustainable planning & urban design with a minor in business real estate. She believes that the past four years at ENVD have made her into who she is today and taught her who she wants to become.
- Julia Rodriguez, an architecture major from the San Francisco Bay Area, considers finding her community at 91´«Ă˝ as one of her greatest experiences at ENVD.
- For Davis Velte, an architecture major minoring in business, graduating represents the culmination of a lot of hard work, learning and lots and lots of studio hours.
- Ainsley McElwee, a sustainable planning and urban design major from Excelsior Springs, Missouri, will graduate with minors in business and geography.
- Kaylor Chott will earn a B.EnvD specializing in architecture with a minor in business. After graduation, Chott plans to travel the world and start a career as a design and landscape architect.
- Juliana Minerbo, an architecture major from Brazil, plans to work for an architecture firm in Brazil after graduation.
- Aden Dravenstott will graduate from 91´«Ă˝ with a major in sustainable planning & urban design with a minors in geography and Spanish.
- Bryan Martino earned a double major in architecture and ecology and evolutionary biology. Martino won a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue his masters degree in Integrative and Architectural Design Research at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- Gabi Butvilofsky, a product design major, is excited to explore her passions further and grow into her new life as a maker outside of school.
- Sofija Andrew, an architecture major graduating with a Spanish and creative technology design minor, plans to travel to South America to help with sustainable building infrastructure while waiting to hear back from the Peace Corps.