- Earth Day began in 1970 as more people in the United States and across the globe became aware of the environmental impact caused by humans. Before the 1970’s, many people considered air and water pollution a normal and expected part of life.
- The 30th annualCampus Sustainability Summittakes place Wednesday and Thursday, April 19 and 20, at the UMC. Following the global focus of theRight Here, Right Now Global Climate Summitand the Conference on World Affairs
- Earth Week is here and it's time for all of us to come together and do our part to protect our planet. Whether you are on 91ý’s campus or not, there are numerous ways you can get involved and make a difference.
- Have your voice heard in November, remember to register and vote! Here are a few helpful tips and resources to help you register and vote!
- The Environment Center (or ECenter) is located in the University Memorial Center (UMC) building on campus. We are responsible for zero waste programs, organizations, events, and general sustainability efforts on campus.
- Community supported agriculture can benefit individuals, farmers, the community and the land.
- There are many ways we can change the way we see the world.One way is to walk.
- The environmental movement can seem overwhelming, and you might feel as though you have to be a “perfect” environmentalist to contribute to the movement. That is a lie. We all bring something different, uniqueand impactful to the environmental
- FLOWS, Foundations for Leaders Organizing for Water and Sustainability, serves primarily low-income communities with energy and water conservation upgrades and information. This fall the program is back in action with some exciting news to share.
- Boulder B-cycle has been Boulder’s exclusivenon-profit bike share system for almost nine years.With 300 bikes and more than40 stations operating 24/7 in and around Boulder and main and east 91ý campuses, Boulder B-cycle