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A message from Katrina

Welcome to the newly rebranded Budget & Fiscal News!

First, I want to thank everyone for their efforts over the last year and specifically during this year’s fiscal close. I recognize the dedication and diligence you all apply to your work, enabling the university to have a successful fiscal year-end. We know there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that happens at this time of year that can go unnoticed and unappreciated. We see it, and we appreciate you!

We hope the resources offered, such as the fiscal year-end town hall, the daily emails and the checklist/memo, were helpful. Please reach out to us about your fiscal year-end experience, what you found useful and what you would like more guidance about.

I am excited to have this opportunity to connect and communicate with all of you via this newly expanded newsletter. Budget & Fiscal News will continue to bring you the essential financial news you have come to expectand will now include relevant budget-related content. The goal is to bring you the most useful information and resources all in one monthly installment.

Each month you can also expect to hear from leaders from Budget and Finance on timely and important topics. We will continue to work to find the best ways to communicate with you so that you have the information you need to do your jobs.While we still have work to do, I believe that we have improved over the last year, and we will continue to improve as we move into FY22. Including budget information in the newsletter will benefit us all.

This has been an unprecedented time. Our experiences over the past 15 months have shaped our future and will continue to shape how we work together. I am hopeful the upcoming year will be more “normal,” and I look forward to connecting with you–virtually, via this newsletter and in-person–in FY22.

Thank you for your continued efforts and work!

Katrina Spencer, Deputy CFO