Naming Facilities at the University of Colorado Boulder

Revised: November 30, 2005

Effective Date

Friday, June 13, 1997


Boulder Campus Planning Committee

I. Introduction

This policy covers the naming of major facilities at the University of Colorado Boulder.  This includes buildings, wings of buildings, recreational fields, plazas, fountains, roadways, and similar facilities.  The policy also covers the naming of smaller facilities, such as classrooms, seminar rooms, lecture halls, laboratories, and interior portions of buildings.  Unless otherwise stated, the term "facilities" shall include both major and smaller facilities.

II. Functional Names  (Chancellor Approval)

  1. Each new major facility shall have a functional name that must be approved by the Chancellor.
  2. The functional name of each major facility shall be categorized by the Office of Facilities Planning in the Department of Facilities Management.  Each such facility may be placed into a category such as Administrative, Service, or Activity Centers; Residential Halls and Courts; Research Laboratories and Institutes; Academic Classroom and Office Buildings; and Multi-Building Complexes.  Some examples include:  Regent Administrative Center, Newton Court, Baker Hall, Duane PhysicalLaboratories, Behavioral Genetics Institute, Hellems Arts and Sciences Building, and Kittredge Residence Hall Complex.
  3. Should there be a change in the function of a facility; the functional part of the facility name may be changed upon the approval of the Chancellor.  New names will be forwarded to the Office of Facilities Planning.  The Campus Master Plan provides guidance for the functional names of facilities.

III. Honorary Names

The practice has been to name facilities to honor individuals, but it is not necessary that all facilities be so named.  Facilities may be named for concepts, places, flora, fauna, natural landmarks, etc.  If such facilities are major (See Introduction), the names must be approved by the Board of Regents.

  1. Honorary Names for Major Facilities (Chancellor / Board of Regents Approval)
    1. Honorary names for major facilities must be approved by the Chancellor and the Board of Regents.
    2. Persons proposing to name a facility for an individual or group (e.g., corporations, foundations, or other entities) must establish that the individual or group meets one or more of the following criteria:
      1. Outstanding University Service or Professional Service
        1. The individual or group shall have rendered outstanding University service or professional service.
        2. This service may have been inside or outside of the University.
        3. Names of individuals may not be proposed under this criterion earlier than five years after the date of the individual's retirement, or if the individual is deceased, five years after the date of death.
      2. Financial Contribution
        1. The individual or group must have contributed in his / her / their own or in another's name, substantial funds toward the construction, renovation, and/or maintenance of the facility for which the individual or group is recommending a name.
        2. A contribution of at least 50% of the construction or renovation cost of a facility is deemed to be substantial.
        3. A lesser percentage may be considered substantial if the contribution made possible the construction or maintenance of the facility.
        4. An endowment sufficient to provide for 75% of the maintenance and operating cost of a facility at the time of the endowment is deemed to be substantial.
        5. Existing or planned campus facilities which have not been given an honorary name may be named if funds substantially equivalent to the cost of the facility to be named are contributed.  Such funds may be designated to another campus fund or program related to such facilities in exchange for an appropriate naming opportunity for such facilities
      3. Historical or Social Importance: The individual or group has historical or social importance to the State of Colorado or to the University of Colorado.
    3. If a facility is named for an individual or group under III.A.2, the facility's name may not be changed unless the Chancellor and the Board of Regents approve the change.
    4. When a facility is named for an individual or group, it is expected that there will be suitable ceremonies of formal dedication to recognize the individual or group being honored.
    5. It is expected that prominent plaques and signs will be installed and will be maintained to recognize the individual or group being honored in interior spaces. Plaques and/or cornerstones cannot contain individual names on the exterior of the facility.
  2. Honorary Names for Smaller Facilities (Chancellor Approval)
    1. Honorary names for smaller facilities must be approved by the Chancellor.
    2. Suitable signage will be installed and maintained.  Plaques and / or cornerstones cannot contain individual's names.
    3. Suitable ceremonies of formal dedication shall be held.
    4. The names of smaller facilities cannot be changed unless approved by the Chancellor.

IV. Administrative Issues

  1. The Department of Facilities Management will be responsible for maintaining the lists of functional names, the names of all campus facilities, the interior space names, and the procedures and policies for naming facilities on the Boulder Campus.
  2. The Chancellor shall develop procedures for implementing these policies.  Refer to the Chancellor's approved Procedures for Naming Facilities at the University of Colorado Boulder.