Departments /coloradan/ en LOOK: 100 Years of Journalism /coloradan/2022/11/07/look-100-years-journalism LOOK: 100 Years of Journalism Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 11/07/2022 - 00:00 Categories: Campus News Departments Tags: CMCI Journalism Television Malinda Miller

On April 21, 1922, the CU Board of Regents voted to form the Department of Journalism, and that fall, the university launched its flagship journalism degree program. As the journalism department marks its centennial anniversary, celebration goes to the thousands of alumni currently working in the media industry, many of whom are on the frontlines of news — reporting from the field for NPR, from the Celtics’ sidelines and from inside the White House for Fox News. Read more in the CMCI Now magazine


Abby Chin (Jour’03), Celtics sideline reporter at NBC Sports Boston

Baker Machado (MJour’11), anchor at Cheddar News

Alanna Rizzo (MJour’03), sports TV host and reporter on MLB Network

John Branch (MJour’96), reporter for The New York Times

Kevin Corke (Jour’88; MA’02), White House correspondent

Kirk Siegler (Jour’00), NPR correspondent, National Desk

Michael Gelman (Jour’83), executive producer, Live with Kelly and Ryan

Linda Villarosa (Jour’81), contributor to The New York Times Magazine, journalist-in-residence at City University of New York



Savannah Sellers (Jour’13), anchor and correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC


Tom Costello (Jour’87), NBC News Washington correspondent


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Photos: Courtesy of CMCI (Kevin Corke and Michael Gelman); Jon SooHoo (Alanna Rizzo); Courtesy of Tom Costello; Allison Shelley/NPR (Kirk Siegler); Courtesy of Baker Machado; Courtesy Savannah Sellers; Courtesy of NBC Sports Group (Abby Chin); Courtesy of John Branch; Nic Villarosa (Linda Villarosa)

On April 21, 1922, the CU Board of Regents voted to form the Department of Journalism and that fall, the university launched its flagship journalism degree program.

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Mon, 07 Nov 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 11833 at /coloradan
Buff Brynna DeLuzio’s Volleyball Versatility /coloradan/2022/11/07/buff-brynna-deluzios-volleyball-versatility Buff Brynna DeLuzio’s Volleyball Versatility Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 11/07/2022 - 00:00 Categories: Athletics Departments Tags: Volleyball Andrew Daigle

In 2017, her first season, Brynna DeLuzio (Mktg’21; MRecEcon’22) flourished as setter, finishing 10th in the NCAA in assists, earning All-Pac-12 Honorable Mention and helping CU to an NCAA Sweet 16 appearance. 

then spent seasons switching between setter (offense) and libero (defensive specialist, pronounced “luh-bear-OH”). Due to positional need, she played libero full-time in 2021. The results: 4.67 average digs per set, best in the Pac-12, a CU record and another All-Pac-12 Honorable Mention. 

“She can play two positions at an extremely high level. However, the most important thing she brings is her dedication,” said head coach Jesse Mahoney. “She is the standard that all of our players should strive toward.” 

Liberos are self-sacrificing. Digs require frequent dives onto knees and elbows. Five sets in the ready position stress the shoulders and back. And liberos rarely leap up to kill a set ball. 

DeLuzio knows sacrifice: “I’m a gym rat. What I work on depends on who we play that week — the spot, angle or line of defense.” 

Unwilling to rest on her record-breaking 2021, the 5'9'' DeLuzio trained in the off -season to potentially return to setter. She liked how the setter had control of the ball in every play, but was concerned opponents might hit over her blocks. 

Enter Adam Ringler, assistant director of strength and conditioning and head of sport science research. He designed a team training program of force plate jumps and plyometrics, which DeLuzio focused on to help her excel as a setter. DeLuzio surpassed all expectations. 

“She ended up adding 4.5 inches to her vertical,” said Ringler. “We might see that with freshmen that have never done structured strength conditioning, but for a sixth-year athlete, that’s crazy.” 

The gains apply similarly for libero. The vertical gain correlates to increased horizontal dive range. But, DeLuzio always plays where she best supports her team. 

“I give my all, every practice, every game,” DeLuzio said. “If not, I’m doing a disservice to my team and myself for my final season.” 

DeLuzio plans another switch after this season. In January, she will begin training to play beach volleyball professionally.


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Photo courtesy CU Athletics

Sixth-year senior Brynna DeLuzio set records while earning team defensive MVP in 2021. She’s elevated her play even more for 2022 and beyond.


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Mon, 07 Nov 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 11831 at /coloradan
The History of Daylight Saving Time /coloradan/2022/11/07/history-daylight-saving-time The History of Daylight Saving Time Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 11/07/2022 - 00:00 Categories: Campus News Departments New on the Web Tags: History Time Alexx McMillan

Some have said Benjamin Franklin first came up with the idea for daylight saving time (DST). Others believe it was adopted so farmers could have more hours of sunlight to work in the field. 

The real history of daylight saving time is much more complex. 

Kenneth Wright 

It was first introduced in Germany in 1916 during World War I as an energy saving measure, according to 91ý sleep researcher Kenneth Wright. The U.S. followed suit, adopting DST in 1918. Initially implemented as a wartime measure, it was repealed a year later. 

Daylight saving time was reinstituted in 1942 during World War II. The next couple decades were a free-for-all, when states and localities switched between DST and standard time (ST) at will. To put an end to the clock chaos, Congress finally passed the Uniform Time Act in 1966, which standardized daylight saving time and its start and end dates across the country — with the exception of Hawaii and Arizona, which opted to keep standard time year-round. 

During the energy crisis of 1974, the U.S. decided to adopt permanent DST. However, after the first winter of dark mornings, public support dropped so low that it was repealed. 

In recent years, U.S. lawmakers, including Colorado Governor Jared Polis, have reopened the conversation about shifting to permanent daylight saving time. 

In March, the Senate unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act, which would put an end to the semiannual changing of the clocks. While more sun in the evenings might sound nice, many experts — including Wright, director of CU’s Sleep and Chronobiology Lab — disagree with the proposal. 

“If you look at the expert consensus from the scientific societies that focus on sleep, health and circadian rhythms, all of them agree this is a bad idea,” Wright told 91ý Today earlier this year. “Yes, we should be getting rid of the time change. But the science suggests we should be sticking with standard time, not daylight saving time.” 

More sunlight in the evenings comes at the price of morning light — a dangerous trade-off, according to Wright. Dark mornings mean sleepier commuters, icier roads and more school children walking to school or waiting for the bus before the sun comes up, he said. 

The extra evening sun is also cause for concern. Wright explained, “When we get exposed to light at night, that sends a signal to our circadian clock that we should go to bed later and wake up later. Later sleep timing is associated with more substance use and physical and mental health problems, including obesity, depression and heart disease.”

For permanent daylight saving time to become a reality, the Sunshine Protection Act will need to pass through the House of Representatives and be signed into law by President Joe Biden. Whether or not members of the House will heed experts’ warning is yet to be seen. 

And so, the storied history of daylight saving time continues.


Editor's Note: In December 2024, President-Elect Donald Trump when he became President, calling it "inconvenient" and "costly" to our nation. 

on the topic, who said adopting permanent standard time would be the best option from a health and safety perspective, "as well as our overall wellbeing." He added, "We all have the opportunity now to reach out to our state lawmakers and convince them that we want to get rid of this change — and let's all choose permanent standard time, which we can do now. It would be wonderful if the government and our incoming President is behind this, so we can stop this and we can all be on something that is healthier." 


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Illustration by Ben Hickey


Some have said Benjamin Franklin first came up with the idea for daylight saving time. Others believe it was adopted so farmers could have more hours of sunlight to work in the field. The real history of daylight saving time is much more complex.

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Mon, 07 Nov 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 11825 at /coloradan
Vertical Image Layout /coloradan/2021/12/21/vertical-image-layout Vertical Image Layout Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 12/21/2021 - 09:59 Categories: Coloradan Templates Departments Writer Name

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Facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum nibh. Laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean. Urna neque viverra justo nec. Et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis. Justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Duis at tellus at urna condimentum. Aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus. Sit amet porttitor eget dolor morbi. Tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices. Urna et pharetra pharetra massa massa.

Gravida neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus. Imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur. Vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra. Dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus.

Ut pharetra sit amet aliquam id diam. Urna molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed odio morbi quis. Feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium. Magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus. Sed viverra tellus in hac. Fames ac turpis egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra. Tellus integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc. Ac feugiat sed lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper. Amet dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Neque viverra justo nec ultrices.

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Tue, 21 Dec 2021 16:59:30 +0000 Anonymous 11317 at /coloradan