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Feedback: Fall 2024

Always a Favorite

TheColoradan is always a favorite read of mine, and the Summer 2024 issue was especially personal for me. Mary Hanley Machacek (ѵ’81) and I created an endowment for first-generation students atCU Leeds. As a result, we’ve had the opportunity to meet Phil and Yvonne DiStefano and learn about and be inspired by their actions as leaders and ambassadors of 91ý. We have increased our commitment as a result of their example of paying it forward. As a first-generation college student myself, the article about91ý’s Precollegiate Development Program reinforced the importance ofcreating gateways for young students to be barrier breakers — and our pride of being CU Buffs. Yvonne’s ongoing work with the Guardian Scholars is exemplary, and we have no doubt that Phil will continue to improve our society and world at the Center for Leadership and the School of Education.

Larry Machacek (ѵ’81)

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Shout Out

Thanks so much for mentioningMarcos Perez (Psych’97) and me andThe Next Good Thing book in the CU alumni magazine. We appreciate the mention and are proud to be listed with the other alumni.

Go Buffs!

D. Eric Maikranz (ܲ’91)

Stuart, Florida

Class Material

Hello, I am a CU alumna and am now an adjunct faculty member at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. I’m planning to use your article “Soft Skills Are the New Power Skills,” by Katy Hill, in my COMM 3150 Team Communication Course.

Thank you,

Alison Christofferson (Engl’03; MComm’21)

Colorado Springs

A Powerful Issue

Thank you forthe great issue of theColoradantitled “Leading with Heart.” I especially appreciated the editor’s note where Maria shared about her own supervisor who provided tough feedback in a kind manner and how that had an impact. This is a powerful issue for sure!

Nancy Marchand-Martella

Colorado Springs

Compassionate Pages

Just now collectedmy latestColoradan with its beautiful cover(kudos to Ben Kircher). I thumbed through the progressive, compassionate pages and felt so proud to be remembered in previous issues. I turned 70 last October. Brimming with new ideas, I truly feel decades younger, which I owe to sobriety and daily meditation with wonderful friends.

Thank you for the Summer 2024Coloradan!


Gregory Hinton (ʱѲ’77)

Los Angeles

Brass Queens

Brass Queens

I opened my issue of theColoradan today, and wow!“Black & Gold in Our Soul” turned out so perfectly. I absolutely LOVE the big, bold dynamic spread of the first two pages. Thank you all for taking the time to hear our story and for being so collaborative to make it just right.

Black & Gold in Our Soul forever!


Ally Chapel (ٱᾱ’14)

New York City

Format Matters

Thank you for the work you all do to help create theColoradan. My wife Barbara and I are long-time Alumni Association volunteers and appreciate how well the publication keeps people informed about what’s happening at CU.

I noticed something different in the summer issue that we just received: the “In Memoriam” section’s listingswere sorted by last name rather than graduation year. Although I always at least scanned that section, as I’ve gotten older I tend to check it out more carefully. While that might sound kind of morbid, I graduated 45 years ago and the reality is that more of my contemporaries may be on the list now.

Can the data management folks in Advancement change the listings back to a more user-friendly format?


Ray Cooke (󾱲’79)

El Segundo, California

Editor’s note: For the Fall 2024 issue, we have adjusted the magazine’s “In Memoriam” section to once again be chronological by graduation year.

Muriel Sibell Wolle drawing

Gladstone Tidings

Wow, what timing! This past weekend, I found the perfect spot in my living room to display "Gladstone, Colorado" by Muriel Sibell-Wolle, a gem I found at an estate sale recently. I could hardly believe it when I sawthe photo with Sibell-Wolle and Gladstone in your final pages of the Summer 2024 issue. Thank you for a fun reminder of the small and beautiful world we live in as CU alumni. Acquiring Gladstone felt like receiving a long-overdue graduation present.


Anna Penry Walker (’94)


Memories of Southwestern CO

Thanks for the“Then” tribute to Muriel Sibell-Wolle. I have, and still refer to, her "Stampede to Timberline" and "Timberline Tailings" after all these years, having jeeped many of the so-called "roads" she describes, mostly in the San Juans in southwestern Colorado — often being terrified on many of them.

There is little as soul-lifting as the lush fields of August’s columbines nearing timberline in Yankee Boy Basin far above Ouray and enduring a mountain thunderstorm rolling down the canyon. Scattered there are the ashes of my beloved wife of 56+ years, and one day mine will join hers there.

Doug Irish (’63)

Scottsdale, Arizona

Summer (Issue) Fun

Thank you for thewonderful Summer 2024 edition of theColoradan.It is always nice to catch up on art, science and athletics. I especially enjoyed the two music articles,the interview with the CU College of Music dean, and learning all aboutthe New Orleans-style brass band in New York City. I also like the stunning photograph of Folsom Field from this year’s commencement. It reminds me of the times I played percussion in the CU summer band in the middle of the football field for Fourth of July concerts. Finally, I am happy that the CU Music Library has my books, articles and dissertation papers in collection. Thanks again for your excellent work!


Geary Larrick (ٲѴ’84)

Glenview, Illinois

Radio 1190

Radio 1190

I just got my alumni magazine in the mail today and I saw the article about Radio 1190. I was very active in the station and was a member of the air board during my stint there. I am so happy to see the station growing again. We had a lot of pride for the station, with shows like “Basementalism,” and we had earned our 10th "Best of Westword" award my last year there. We had something really special, and I was sad to hear that the station all but died in the years since.

I can see the station is in good hands, and in this resurgence of audio media and podcasts, I hope the station serves as a way to prepare a new group to entertain and inform new audiences.

Thank you,

Gabe Romero (ʴDZ’09)


His Holiness on Campus

Dear Editor,

Very nicephoto with the Dalai Lama on page one. At UMass Boston, when my office was near the Boston Common, I was returning from lunch one spring day when I looked ahead of me and saw the Dalai Lama and his group walking toward me. I went up and introduced myself to him. He was in between meetings, so we agreed to sit on a park bench in the Common where we had an hour-long conversation. We had a wide ranging discussion before he had to move on to his next meeting. He was a very nice man, and I am pleased that a 91ý group was able to meet with him in India.

Philip S. Hart (dz’66)

Los Angeles

Staying Current

I appreciate receiving the magazine. The stories are informative, educational, and intriguing, and it warms my heart to be kept abreast of all that is taking place at CU. Kudos to the editorial team!


Nancy Pelander Johnson (貹’77)

Mesa, Arizona

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