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Head to the Hills


CU alumni play a large role in Boulder's microbrewing mecca.Ģż

After Steve Kaczeus (MechEngr ā€™82) took a buyout from a corporate engineering job, he and his wife Leslie faced a fork in the road.

ā€œWe had decided either to start a brewery or move to the Caribbean,ā€ says Kaczeus, who had been an enthusiastic homebrewer since 1993.

After he completed a seven-month online course through the American Brewers Guild and an internship at Hoppy Brewing in Sacramento, Calif., the allure of kicking back on a sugar-white beach lost out to the draw of making great beer.Ģż

ā€œLeslie came out to California, looked at me and said, ā€˜Oh my goodness, weā€™re starting a brewery, arenā€™t we?ā€™ ā€ he says.

The couple bought used brewing equipment from Eddyline Brewing in Buena Vista, Colo., located a space just across the street from their home in Niwot and launched Bootstrap Brewing in June 2012. A year and a half later, business is booming with Bootstrap ā€œbombersā€ ā€” 22-ounce bottles ā€” sold in local liquor stores, kegs rolling out the door on a consistent basis and steady crowds at the taproom.Ģż


ā€œCanning is the next step,ā€ Kaczeus says. ā€œBut right now, we are loving how the local community supports us.ā€

In a state that boasts some 160 microbreweries, from historic Boulder Beer to newcomer Gravity Brewing, alums play key roles in many. Perhaps thatā€™s no surprise, with Boulder recognized as a genuine microbrewing mecca.Ģż

ā€œJust being in Boulder, where even 10 and 20 years ago there was a craft-beer market, is awesome,ā€ says John Frazee (°ä¾±±¹·”²Ō²µ°łā€™01).

In September 2012 Frazee opened the Gravity taproom in Louisville, Colo., with co-owners Ryan Bowers (MechEngrā€™00) and pioneering American brewmaster Julius Hummer, whose father co-founded Boulder Beer in 1979. For now Gravity is focused on the day-to-day perfectionism required ā€” constant cleaning, perfectly calibrated ingredients, carefully monitored temperatures ā€” to make consistently excellent beer.

ā€œGoing to engineering school gives you the almost obsessive attention-to-detail mindset you need,ā€ Frazee says.

But some brewing Buffs found their way into the business by happenstance.

Jeff Mendel (Econā€™83), part owner and board member at Longmontā€™s legendary Left Hand Brewing Co., arrived at CU-Boulder with no idea of what he wanted to study. After earning an MBA at the University of Arkansas, he returned to Boulder. In 1987 he answered an ad in the Daily Camera for a job responding to letters and questions about microbrewing for the American Homebrewers Association. The job paid $5 an hour.Ģż

ā€œThey put me on a two-line rotary phone and said, ā€˜Go to work.ā€™ I answered the phone and called breweries to see what they were doing,ā€ he says.

He went on to found the associationā€™s microbrewing institute and produce an annual conference and trade show for craft brewers.

ā€œWe struggled to get 300 or 400 people,ā€ Mendel recalls. ā€œThis year in Washington, D.C., we had 6,000 people and almost 600 exhibitors.ā€

In 1993 he co-founded Denverā€™s Tabernash Brewing, which later merged with Longmont-based Left Hand. Left Hand sold nearly 50,000 barrels of beer in 2012 ā€” Black Jack Porter and Sawtooth are among its favorites ā€” with gross revenues up by more than 40 percent, making it the fourth largest microbrewer in Colorado and among the 50 largest in the country.

Mendel is retired from day-to-day operations at Left Hand but retains part ownership and serves on the board. He considers himself ā€œa preacher of the craft beer gospel,ā€ teaching beer appreciation classes and co-hosting beer-and-chocolate events with Boulder business Piece, Love and Chocolate on Pearl Street.

ā€œHalf my life has been spent in the industry, but Iā€™m not a brewer,ā€ he says, laughing. ā€œIā€™m just a schmoozer and a boozer.ā€Ģż

But the hopped-up Boulder craft-brewing market that emerged in 1979 isnā€™t the only reason CU grads found their way into the business. Some like Alyssa Lundgren (Busā€™08), brand strategy manager and part owner of Fate Brewing Co., say Boulderā€™s entrepreneurial and collaborative environment is perfect for a business like microbrewing.Ģż

ā€œThere are a lot of really smart people in this town who are highly accepting of new and different ideas,ā€ she says.

Lundgren learned the ropes of beer as a manager at Boulderā€™s West End Tavern, working for Mike Lewinsky. Years later, he tracked her down while she was working at a marketing firm and asked her to become a partner in Fate. In February Fate opened a brewpub and restaurant with 15 house beers on tap, complete with both 10-barrel and three-barrel brewing systems.Ģż

Plunging into the brewpub business ā€” Fate also is a restaurant ā€” requires a willingness to work long hours and do absolutely anything that needs to be done, from cleaning tanks to managing a staff of 80 people.Ģż

But plenty of people are jumping in. The craft-brewing industry grew 15 percent by volume and 17 percent in revenue from 2011 to 2012, with a national retail value of $10.2 billion, up from $8.7 billion in 2011, according to the Boulder-based Brewers Association.

Some CU graduates say that microbrewingā€™s inherent identity with smaller, local businesses seems to fit with a growing zeitgeist.

ā€œPeople want to know whoā€™s brewing their beer, what his or her personality is, who works there, where they get their ingredients,ā€ Kaczeus says. ā€œItā€™s the opposite of corporate. You can walk in here and meet Leslie or me.ā€Ģż

Mendel agrees.

ā€œThere is a growing distrust of industrial producers of food and drink,ā€ he says. ā€œAnd a growing ethic of supporting businesses closer to home, a smaller carbon footprint and keeping money in the local economy to create employment opportunities for your neighbors.ā€


Style India Pale Ale
ABV 7.2%
IBUs 70
*Silver at Denver Intā€™l Beer Comp.


Style Kƶlsch Style Ale
ABV 5.0%
IBUs 20
*Gold at Denver Intā€™l Beer Comp.


Style Belgian Style Pale Ale
ABV 5.0%
IBUs 20
*Bronze at Denver Intā€™l Beer Comp.

Worthog Stout

Style Foreign Extra Stout
ABV 6.0%
IBUs 32Ģż
*Silver at Denver Intā€™l Beer Comp.

Insane Rush IPA

Style India Pale Ale
ABV 7.0%
IBUs 60 Ģż
*Silver at Colorado State Fair

Backfire Chili Beer

Style Golden Ale
ABV 4.5%Ģż
IBUs 12 ĢżĢż
*Bronze at Denver Intā€™l Beer Comp.

Milk Stout

Style Sweet Stout
ABV 6.0%
IBUs 25
*Gold at Great American Beer Fest

Sawtooth Ale

Style American Style ESB
ABV 5.3%
IBUs 27
*Gold at Great American Beer Fest

400 Pound Monkey

Style English Style India Pale Ale
ABV 6.8%
IBUs A polite monkey never tells


Style Belgian Blonde
ABV 8.0%
IBUs 28


Style Belgian Ale
ABV 6.5%
IBUs 25

Wet Hopped Regular IPA

Style India Pale Ale
ABV 7.5%
IBUs 68

Photography Ā©iStock.com/kedsanee (top)/courtesy Bootstrap Brewing, Gravity Brewing,ĢżLeft Hand BrewingĢżand Fate Brewing Co. (right)/ Photos by Patrick Campbell (bottom)


