Patron Portal Login and Checkout
Patron Portal login
The Patron Portal can be found online at
Log-in using your 91ý IdentiKey.
After logging in, choose the checkout center that applies to you. For this Manual we will select CMCI Armory 214 where much of the journalism gear can be found.
A “Message of the Day” may pop up. Please do not ignore this message as it contains vital information that could affect checkouts or reservations.
The Home page that appears shows different categories of gear. Simply navigate to the gear that you want.
To illustrate, let’s check out a General Use Camera. First, in Select Type, choose Cameras.
Under Cameras are sub-categories that are “Class Specific Cameras” and “General Use.” Choose “General Use.”
All general use cameras will be found here, for example, “General Use Nikon Cameras.”
Click on General Use Nikon Cameras and a new page will open showing information about the camera. A list of General Use Nikon cameras appears below.
Click on “Add” to put the chosen camera in your cart.
Scrolling to the bottom of the screen will show Related Items, where you can check out such things as batteries, lenses, and tripods.
Once you’re finished adding gear to the cart, then navigate to the top right of the portal page and click on the “Cart” icon.
You will then be prompted to Create a Reservation.
If no errors are present, then click Submit Reservation.
Patron Portal Error Messages and Explanations
If you see this error message / image :
The reason for this error is the resource isunavailable at the requestedtime.This means that the allotted time requestedforthereservation maybe overlapping anexisting reservation during that period. In order to fix this error choose a different resource number or change the reservationtime.In this examplethe zoom recorderis either checked outor isbeing checked outduring the time thatthis reservation is beingcompleted.This is only an example but other pieces of equipment can have this same error message and needs to be handled the same.
When selecting a date and timethereturn time must be afterthepickup time.Make sure to double check in the system when choosingareservation time that thepickuptime comes first and the return time comes last. If it does not follow this order the system will not allow for the reservation andthisnotificationappears.
This error happened becauseontheselected pickupdateor timethe campus is closed.Make sure to check the University’scalendar. Whenreceivingthis error make sure to check the pickuptime and change accordingly. Our hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 9-5pm and Friday 9-4pm.
This error happened becauseontheselected return dateor timethe campus is closed.Make sure to check the University’scalendar. Whenreceivingthis error make sure to check the return time and change accordingly. Our hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 9-5pm and Friday 9-4pm.