
Patty Limerick is a widely sought-after speaker for a number of Western constituencies. Public appearances are listed below. Click on “Events” for more information about Center-sponsored events, and click on “Request a Speaking Engagement” if you are interested in inquiring about Patty’s availability to speak at your organization’s next event.
The University of Oklahoma Teach-In: American Immigration in Global and Historical Context
Event Date:March9, 2020
Desert Crossings, Carrying Capacities, and Assimilation: Rethinking the History of Immigration
In the mid-19th century, Americans seeking opportunity in the West endured the crossing of the deserts of the Great Basin and the Southwest; in the 20th and 21st centuries, Mexicans seeking opportunity inelnortehave endured the crossing of the deserts on either side of the U.S./Mexican border.
National Classical Education 2020 Symposium
Event Date:March 4, 2020
History & the Bard
This scholarly conversation includes the viewing of a scene from Shakespeare’s Henry V and an exploration of history and its relationship to the humanities; 8-10 historians, poets, and philosophers will join the fray.
National Classical Education 2020 Symposium
Event Date:March 3, 2020
Teaching American HistoryInFull
Panel discussion featuring Patty Limerick (UC-Boulder), Owen Anderson (ASU), and Adam Seagrave (ASU)
A Conversation with Temple Grandin & Patty Limerick
Event Date:December12, 2019
Join us for a lively conversation with two women who have dedicated their lives and work to the West. From caring for livestock to telling it straight, Temple Grandin and leading American historian Patty Limerick will explore their own personal relationships with the landscape, history, and culture of the West with award-winning novelist Laura Pritchett.
OLLI Boulder Speaker Series
Event Date:October28, 2019
Do We Need the Humanities – Can We LearnFromOur Past?
There is a growing “amnesia of the past” and a declining enrollment in the humanities. Pattywill discuss the need for all people to learn where we came from and how that makes us whowe are in order to understand and to direct where we are going. Should we, and if so, how canwe bring the humanitiesback?
The Western History Association Conference
Event Date:October 18, 2019
Go West, Young Scholar, and Help the History Profession Grow Up: Borrowing from Beyoncé to Turn a Nation of Amnesiacs into Fans of History
Does sharing your historical expertise with audiences far beyond the boundaries of higher education figure in your aspirations–or in your current practices?
The Western History Association Conference
Event Date:October 18, 2019
Imagining Place: John Wesley Powell and the Colorado River Basin—Reflections upon the 1869 Colorado River Exploring Expedition’s Sesquicentennial
A round-table discussion for the session “Imagining Place—John Wesley Powell & the Colorado River Basin: Reflections upon the 1869 Colorado River Exploring Expedition’sSesquicentennial”
The Western History Association Conference
Event Date:October 17, 2019
Awakenings: Seeking Solutions to have Diverse Ableism Grow in Academic and History Professions
A roundtable discussion in which participants will discuss ways to enhance academic experiences for disabled teachers and students.
20th New Yorker Festival
Event Date:October 13, 2019
Trump: The Judgment of History
Each October, the New Yorker Festival brings together the biggest names in news, politics, books, film, music, art, and popular culture for three days of events—from panels and live performances to intimate discussions and exclusive screenings.
American Association of University Women
Event Date:September29, 2019
Colorado Women Who Have PavedTheWay
AAUW is a national organization whose mission is to advance equity for women and girls through research. education, advocacy, philanthropy. Made up of at-large members and associated local branches, the organization funds fellowships, grants, legal representation, educational opportunities, and encourages activism for social change.
Loveland Loves to Read
Event Date:September24, 2019
Water in the West: A Conversation
Each year, community members come together through the reading and discussion of a common book. In addition to book discussions, a variety of related events are scheduled. For 2019, we have chosen to take a thematic approach, with the topic of Water in the West.
ZEE JLF Colorado
Event Date:September22, 2019
Fluid Mosaic: theCity, the West, and Water
John F. Ross and Patty Limerick in conversation with Marcus Moench. A dynamic session that celebrates the grandeur of the American West and examines the mosaic of its ecological systems.
The Public Policy Forum of Crested Butte
Event Date:August 6, 2019
Patty Limerick included in the 2019 Forum Speaker lineup.Patty’s talk title is “What Colorado History Teaches UsForTheFuture”
38th Annual Steinbeck Festival
Event Date:August2, 2019
In Search of America
How does a country made up of so many different people ultimately cohere? Does America deserve its reputation for being welcoming to immigrants? And do America’s fissures and divisions ever completely go away? Leading scholars of American history and identity visitZócaloto examine the enduring tensions between the pluribus and theunum.
The Rest does the West
Event Date:March1, 2019
Global Uses and Experiences of Western Civilization
We envision a colloquium that would bring together scholars from CU who work ongeoculturalareas outside the “core” of theWest(such as Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Eastern Asia and Africa) in order to share with their colleagues and the public at large their perspectives on how the notion of the West (and its synonyms and modifiers) is currently or has been used and “lived” in saidgeoculturalareas.
When the KKK was Active in Colorado Politics
Event Date:November7, 2018
If you’ve seen the movieBlacKKKlansman, you know that the KKK has a long history in Colorado. Patty Limerick and her research assistant Nicoli Bowley will present the history of the KKK and its role in Colorado Politics.
World War I Series
Event Date:November 1, 2018
Dr. Patty Limerick will discuss and examine how Colorado contributed to World War I. Joining Dr. Limerickwill be Dr. Steve Leonard from Metro State University and Dr. Geoff Hunt from Aurora Community College.
Continuing the Conversation Event
Event Date:June 27, 2018
Downtown YMCA Being (Re)Named after Benjamin Stapleton Jr.
Patty Limerick will start the gathering with a presentation about the importance of reflecting on our own actions and beliefs when conducting community conversations about difficult historical legacies.
Day of Reflection
Event Date:April21, 2018
A Dialogue on the Tenure of Benjamin Stapleton
Please join us for an exploration of history and a chance to think more deeply about our history.In recent times, many neighbors have been thinking hard about our regional history, and about the very name “Stapleton.” This is a very healthystate of affairs, since an evidence-based understanding of history is essential for decision-making in any era.
Interview with FrankDubofsky
Event Date:December 4, 2017
KGNU, 88.5 FM Radio
Patty will be joining FrankDubofskyon his early morning show to discuss the Center of the American West and current “hot topics” of the West.
Monuments & Memorialization in American History
Event Date:November 7, 2017
A Charlottesville in Historical Perspective Forum
Using this controversy as our launching point, this forum will address the complex politics of public monuments and memorialization, using examples from both the American South, where monuments to the Confederacy sit at the center of current controversy, and Colorado and the West, where memorials have raised similar questions about how we remember our region’s complicated racial history.
Legacies of Conquest
Event Date:November 2, 2017
Plenary Session at the WHA
“The Plenary Session sets the tone, featuring established and emerging scholars reconsidering the long reach of Patty Limerick’s Legacy of Conquest on the thirtieth anniversary of its publication.
Landscape Discussion on Energy Law & Policy in the Rockies
Event Date:October 13, 2017
The University of Wyoming School of Energy 91ý and the College of Law’s Center for Law and Energy 91ý in the Rockies are once again excited to bring together stakeholders with collaborative interests to engage in athought provokingdiscussion on key energy topics currently at play in Wyoming, the region and the nation
Collegiate Peaks Forum Series
Event Date:June 22, 2017
This lecture raises questions of consequence about the complex relationship among cities, suburbs, and rural areas, the crucial role of engineering in shaping the West, and the unexpectedly entrancing workings of governmental agencies and bureaucracies.
Western Mining with Patty Limerick at Golden History Center
Event Date:June 17, 2017
Patty Limerick’s Western Mining program features conversation on bridging the gap between past and present. Learn about issues within the context of Colorado’s rich mining history. Patty Limerick promotes civil, problem-solving discourse on exploration of controversial modern topics.
Water and Colorado: Where Are We Now, and How Did We Get Here?
Event Date:May16, 2017
Author Patty Limerick will speak about her booksA Ditch in TimeandLegacy of Conquestwith Douglas County Libraries and Chautauqua at Roxborough. Using her books as a framework for discussion, Limerick will explore the topics of water challenges, history, etc. of the West and more specifically the Denver metro area.
World War II and the West it Wrought
Event Date:May 5, 2017
Join Patty for a discussion on the commonalities of the experience of Native Americans andJapanese-Americanssuffering forced relocations. Patty will use the speech to connect the broader complexity of race relations in the West. Additionally, Patty will examine how to speak about the complex topic without losing the targeted audience.
AAUW 90th Anniversary Celebration
Event Date:April 22, 2017
"Then, Now, and Tomorrow"
AAUW is a national organization whose mission is to advance equity for women and girls through research. education, advocacy, philanthropy. Made up of at-large members and associated local branches, the organization funds fellowships, grants, legal representation, educational opportunities, and encourages activism for social change.
Borderlands of Southern Colorado Symposium
Event Date:April 21, 2017
History Colorado in partnership with the Center of the American West and Colorado State University-Pueblo will present a symposium exploring themes and scholarship focused on the borderlands of southern Colorado, including communities such as Pueblo, Trinidad, and the San Luis Valley.
League of Women Voters Annual Meeting
Event Date:April 19, 2017
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, has fought since 1920 to improve our systems of government and impact public policies through citizen education and advocacy. The League’s enduring vitality and resonance comes from its unique decentralized structure. The League is a grassroots organization, working at the national, state and local levels.
Home: American photography at the CU Art Museum
Event Date:March22, 2017
Join us for a three-part series of casual in-gallery conversations with experts from across campus discussing our exhibitionHome: American Photography at the CU Art Museum.
Solar Power Colorado 2017
Event Date:March 13, 2017
Innovation: Making Solar Mainstream
Solar Power Colorado is the largest solar conference in the Rocky Mountain Region. It has a long tradition of beingtheplace to explore the latest technologies and policy initiatives, and brainstorm plans that will advance the solar industry. Patty will deliver the keynote speech on the opening night of the conference.
Silicon Flatirons Overview Panel
Event Date:March 9, 2017
What is Artificial Intelligence,Howis it Likely to Develop,and What Does it Portend
At this conference, we will bring together futurists, entrepreneurs, academics, and policymakers to consider the social implications of AI.In particular, afterintroducing AI and its social, legal, and policy implications in a panel format, the conference will discuss AI’s implications forcivil rights,lawandgovernance, and thefuture of the workforcein interactive breakout groups.
2nd Annual Uniquely Colorado
Event Date:September 13, 2016
A Colorado-Grown Event
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado invites you to celebrate all-things Colorado at this exciting 2nd annual event! Be sure to check outall ofthe amazing Colorado getaway packages on the ticketing page!
University of New Mexico & SMU Fall Lecture Series – New Perspectives on Taos History
Event Date:September 10, 2015
Who Writes History and Why Does It Matter?
Each lecture will feature two or three distinguished speakers known for their research and writing on the evening’s topic. Their presentations will be followed by questions and conversation with the audience. Sylvia Rodriguez (Emerita UNM) will introduce the speakers and moderate discussion.
2015 Colorado State University Western Water Symposium and Barbecue
Event Date:July27, 2015
The 2015 Colorado State University Western Water Symposium and Barbecue will provide guests with insight about past water-related innovations, technology and resources, while engaging them in a discussion about the future of water in the American West.
Earth Educators’ Rendezvous 2015
Event Date:July 14, 2015
The 2015 Colorado State University Western Water Symposium and Barbecue will provide guests with insight about past water-related innovations, technology and resources, while engaging them in a discussion about the future of water in the American West.
Untitled: Habitat
Event Date:June 26, 2015
The theme for Untitled on June 26th is “Habitat.” We chose this theme to highlight the two photography exhibitions we’ll have up at the time, one of Barbara Bosworth’s work called Quiet Wonder (a series of beautifully contemplative nature photographs) and one of Alec Soth’s “Colorado Dispatch”—a series of photographs the artist took on a road trip through our state.
Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists
Event Date:May28, 2015
2015 Western Roundup
In hertalk,”TheHoldings of a Pack Rat: Exploring the American West through the ‘Limerick Archive’,” Pattydrew on various original documents she has squirreled away over a lifetime. The focus wason old letters from the well-known and accomplished (Norman Maclean, Wallace Stegner, Carey McWilliams, etc.).
AWRA Colorado
Event Date:May 1, 2015
2015 Annual Symposium: Colorado 20/20…Clearly seeing our future
This one-day symposium broughttogether experts from governmental agencies, academia, the private sector, and non-profits to present and discuss challenges and opportunities that we will face in the next 5 to 6 years.Pattytalked about lessons from history, and what we can learn for water planning in the next 5 years.
DU Water Law Review Symposium
Event Date:April10, 2015
Patty spokeon Panel 2 titled, “Water Law and the History of Developing the West Roundtable” at 10:50 am. She spoke about the significance of history in the development of the West and J. Hobbs’ contribution to understanding the historical context our water laws exist within.
Center for a Sustainable WE2ST
Event Date:March25, 2015
Colorado School of Mines
WE2SThosteda speaker series this spring semester in which Patty wasfeatured on March 25th. Her speech title is “Fractured Disciplines Meet Hydraulic Fracturing: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Collaboration Between the Social Sciences/Humanities and Engineering Sciences”.
SPE Conference
Event Date:March 18, 2015
Plenary III: Unconventional 91ý: Same Issues, Different Perspectives
Patty spoke on, “Colorado’s Controversy over Hydraulic Fracturing: The Big Picture as Seen from the Point of View of a Shuttle Diplomat”. In this presentation, drew on her experiences, over the last two-and-a-half years, in serving as a neutral observer and message-carrier, positioned at the center of the conflict over the development of unconventional oil and natural gas, especially along the Front Range of Colorado.
Teach-In: The Western Frontier
Event Date:March 9, 2015
University of Oklahoma
The Teach-Infeaturedan incredible array of American authors and historians, representing some of the best scholarship on the American West. This single day event offeredgreat learning opportunities for the university and community, pooling great lecturers from across the nation to speak on their areas of expertise.
University Women’s Club Lecture Luncheon
Event Date:February10, 2015
Lecture Luncheons are held several times during the academic year, during which guest speakers give presentations on varied topics while members enjoy a catered lunch. All lectures run from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and are held at the UMC in Room 235 on campus, unless otherwise posted.
The School of the Environment and Sustainability Colloquium Series
Event Date:January 28, 2015
Patty spokeWednesday, January 28 on the topic “Fractured Disciplines Meet Hydraulic Fracturing: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Collaboration Between the Humanities and Natural Sciences.”
The School of the Environment and Sustainability Colloquium Series
Event Date:January 7, 2015
Patty spokeWednesday, January 28 on the topic “Fractured Disciplines Meet Hydraulic Fracturing: A Cost/Benefit Analysis of Collaboration Between the Humanities and Natural Sciences.”
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting
Event Date: December8, 2014
Technological Advances, Risk Tradeoffs, and Societal Concerns AssociatedWithHydraulic Fracking
Patty spoke at Monday’s Plenary session titled, “Technological Advances, Risk Tradeoffs, and Societal Concerns AssociatedWithHydraulic Fracking” along with Bernard Goldstein, Emeritus Professor and Dean, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Tisha Schuller, President & Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Oil & Gas Association (COGA), and Governor Bill Ritter, Former Colorado Governor and Director, Center for the New Energy Economy, Colorado State University.
The 50th Annual Colorado Business Economic Outlook Forum
Event Date: December8, 2014
The Above Ground Issues in Energy and Energy Development in Colorado
The half-day eventfeatured an employment forecast for 13 industry sectors; a keynote address by Dan Caruso, co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Zayo Group; and industry discussion sessions. One of those discussion sessions wasled by Patty on the topic of “Above Ground Issues in Energy and Energy Development in Colorado.”
ASLH 2014 Conference
Event Date:November6, 2014
Linking Legal History, Public Policy, and Public History
Patty participated in a panel discussion titled, “Roundtable on Legal Histories and Public Audiences: Linking Legal History, Public Policy, and PublicHistory ”along with John E. Echohawk of the Native American Rights Fund, KatrinaJagodinskyof the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Victoria Saker Woeste of the American Bar Foundation.
NGWA Groundwater Summit
Event Date:May5, 2014
The West and Water: Filtering Out the Conventional Wisdom and Producing More User-Friendly Historical Lessons
Patty wasa featured speaker on Monday, May 5, discussing the topic of groundwater as viewed through the history of the west. “The history of water development offers a particularly fine post for observing the astonishing and implausible workings of historical change and, in response, for cultivating an appropriate level of humility and modesty in our anticipations of our own unknowable future.
Harding Lecture: SD State University
Event Date:March31, 2014
A Fractured Society Confronts Hydraulic Fracturing: How Historical Perspective Makes a Current Dilemma Both Better and Worse
Pattytraveledto South Dakota’s state university as a distinguished speaker at the Harding Lecture series. Patty talked about the Center’s work on fracking research and her historic perspective on the debate.
NCHE National Conference
Event Date:March 21, 2014
The national conference is a place where everyone who loves to teach and learn history can come together and share.Patty was the third keynote speaker at the conference presenting on the topic, “The Frontiers of the Knowable: Celebrating the Uncertainty of the Past and the Uncertainty of the Future”.
ASA Israeli Boycott Discussion Panel
Event Date:March 4, 2014
Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
Patty participatedin RM Peace and Justice Center’s panel discussion on the American Studies Association boycott of Israeli academic institutions on Tuesday, March 4. A large turnout and lively discussion are expected. On the anti-boycott side with Patty wasProfessor Russell Moore of CU; on the pro-boycott side will be sitting Professors Cheryl Higashida of CU and Steven Salaita from Virginia Tech University.
Day of Remembrance 2014
Event Date:February16, 2014
Japanese American Internment Camps
History Colorado partners with the Japanese American Citizens League Mile- High Chapter to recognize the 72nd anniversary of the internment of Japanese Americans. The program featuredremarks by Dr. Patty Limerick and former internees.
Water Crisis in the West: Thinking Like a Watershed
Event Date:February13, 2014
The first panel on February 13,provided an historic overview of human habitation and water use in the Southwest. It will address issues including global warming and climate instability, and the effects of Manifest Destiny on indigenous cultures and southwestern habitat.
New Western History and the Idea of the West
Event Date:January9, 2014
Join us for an evening with renowned University of Colorado Historian and Faculty Director of the Center of the American West, Patty Limerick. Pattydiscussedhistory as an active presence in the West including its dramatic past and contentious present.
Petrie Institute of Western American Art
Event Date:January 8, 2014
Journeys West Symposium
This one-day symposium will explore how the West indelibly shaped artists’ work and how, for some, the western experience included an unforgettable journey.Patty wasthe moderator between several speakers discussing the journey early American artists made west.
American Studies Association Student Committee
Event Date:November 21, 2013
The Public Intellectual
Patty Limerick was part of a panel created by ASA’s graduate student committee titled, “The Public Intellectual”. The paneldiscussed how graduate students might envision themselves as public intellectuals during and after graduate school through online publishing, blogs, social media tools,etc..
Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research
Event Date:October30, 2013
Understanding the Underworld: Hydraulic Fracturing and the Depths of the Humanities
Patty Limerick will be speaking on the recent NSF grant that the Center of the American West is a part of:In October of 2012, the National Science Foundation Sustainability Research Network awarded a five-year, twelve-million-dollar grant to a consortium of scientists and engineers based at the University of Colorado.
Western History Association
Event Date:October 10, 2013
2013 Conference
Patty Limerick will NOT be attending this conference.The WHA’s first meeting was held in 1961 at La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Since then, the organization has met every year in various venues across the West.
Conversations with Authors Event
Event Date:October 5, 2013
American Association of University Women
Patty Limerick spoke about her book “A Ditch in Time: The City, The West, and Water” at the 5th Annual Conversations with Authors AAUW fundraiser in Loveland, CO. She was oneof three authors who will speak over lunch with time for conversation afterwards.
American Water Works Association
Event Date:September9, 2013
2013 RMSAWWA/RMWEA Joint Annual Conference
Patty Limerick spoke at the conference opening session on “The West and Water: Filtering Out the Conventional Wisdom and Producing More User-Friendly HistoricalLessons“.
The 16th Annual Water Education Conference
Event Date:August8, 2013
Patty gave the keynote address on Thursday August 8th from 12:30 – 1:30. The subject will be A Ditch in Time.
CSU Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Event Date:May10, 2013
Seminar Series
Colorado State University recently created a new department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and is launching its new Bachelor of Science degree. The department is holding a seminar series in this, its inaugural spring, with speakers presenting on various topics relating to sustainability and ecosystems. Patty will be speaking on the topic “Myth Free Sustainability” on Friday, May 10.
AAUW Spring Fundraiser Brunch
Event Date:May 4, 2013
Patty wasthe speaker for thisyearsAmericanAsociationof University Women springfundraisderbrunch. Patty talked on her recent bookA Ditch in Time: theCity, the West and Waterand the complex relationship of water amongcitites, suburbs, and rural areas of the west. Copies of her book weresoldand Patty is happy to autograph them.
Conference on World Affairs
Event Date:April 9, 2013
"Junk Science Policy"
Pattymoderateda panel at the Conference of World Affairs, called “Junk Science Policy” with panelists, Monika Bauerlein, Francesca T.Grifo, AllenHershkowitz, and Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides.
CU Hydrologic Sciences Symposium
Event Date:March 18, 2013
The symposium consists of posters and presentations by CU-Boulder students (graduate and undergraduate) as well as presentations by faculty and Boulder area researchers (ieUSGS, NOAA, NCAR). In addition, there were keynote speakers by influential members of thehydrosciencesfield. Patty Limerick was the keynote and final speaker.
Hartman Hotz Lecture Series
Event Date:March 13, 2013
University of Arkansas
The talk, entitled “The West Beneath the Surface: Natural Gas Development in the Big Picture of Western Extractive Industries,” pursues the goal of placing current controversies over natural gas development (and especially the technique of hydraulic fracturing) in the larger historical context of Western extractive industries
Come to the Well: Conversations on Wine and Water
Event Date:March 6, 2013
The University of Denver Sturm College of Law hosteda soiree, “Come to the Well: Conversations on Wine and Water” on the University of Denver campus, Wednesday March 6. Wine and appetizers will be served before a lecture by Patty Limerick on her recent bookA Ditch in Time: Denver, the West, and Water.
Water Tables 2013
Event Date:March 2, 2013
Patty Limerickhostedone of the tables at the fundraiser on the topicof “Controversy, Water, and Adrenaline – Navigating the Rapids of Public Discussion with Denver Water as Your Fellow Passenger”.
Big Thompson Watershed Forum
Event Date:February28, 2013
The Forum for Big Thompson 2013 Watershed Meeting,CRITICAL SURFACE WATER ISSUES ~ 2013,is to be held in Greeley, Colorado, welcoming 12 speakers, withPatty Limerickas the keynote speaker.
“Water and the Arts” at One World One Water Center
Event Date:February26, 2013
A symposium to address the theme of water and the environment is to be held in February. Itincluded smart water design, diverse visual arts, dance, poetry and live music from MSU Denver students. Pattyparticipatedas astory tellerfeaturing her bookA Ditch in Time: Denver, the West, and Water.
Banning Centennial Celebration
Event Date:February 9, 2013
Patty Nelson Limerick gavea lecture in Banning, California, as part of the city’s year-long centennial celebration.The lecture, “Beginning with Banning: From Conquest to Civil Rights, from Stagecoaches to VW Bugs, from the Old West to the New Western History,” wasSaturday, Feb. 9 at the Dorothy Ramon Learning Center’s gathering hall.
LIVE on KGNU’s “A Public Affair”
Event Date:December10, 2012
Host Jim Pullen talked with Patty on community, fracking, and the multiple-year NSF funded CU study on oil and gas production on the “Public Affair” radio talk show starting at 8:35 on Monday.
Losing the West Film Screening
Event Date:November14, 2012
Losing the Westis a documentary on small ranching and farming, exemplified by the story of a lifelong Colorado cowboy. Howard Linscott IS the original Marlboro Man, a gruff, chain-smoking 70-year-old who’s been ranching all his life. With sweeping shots of the Colorado Rockies, the film explores whether cherished Western traditions and this fiercely independent lifestyle can survive as they collide with inevitable population growth in the West and its dwindling natural resources.
AAUW Author’s Day 2012
Event Date:October 27, 2012
Authors’ Day guests include Sandra Dallas, LauraDiSilverio, Patty Limerick, and Jacqueline St. Joan. Join us on October 27,2012at The Garden of the Gods Club, 3320 Mesa Road, Colorado Springs for interesting speakers, wonderful food (including Chocolate CremeBruleewith Berries), and unparalleled views.
23rd Annual South Platte Forum
Event Date:October 24, 2012
Water 2012: Celebrating along the Way
Patty Limerick gavethe Opening Keynote speech on her new bookA Ditch in Time: The City, the West, and Waterat the 23rd Annual South Platte Forum, Water 2012: Celebrating Along the Way. She is the director of the Center of the American West at the University of Colorado.
Rocky Mountain Land Series presents Patricia Limerick – A Ditch in Time
Event Date:October 23, 2012
Historic LoDo: Patricia Nelson Limerick is the faculty director and board chair at the Center of the American West at the University of Colorado, where she is also a professor of history and environmental studies. Limerickdiscussed and sign her new bookA Ditch in Time: The City, the West, and Water($19.95 Fulcrum).
Boedecker’s Sunday Movie Classic Talkback Series
Event Date:October 21, 2012
Patty will be the expert during the talk back at the 5:00 showing of “Chinatown,” a 1974 Roman Polanski film that features murder, incest, and corrupt water-rights management, among other crimes. The film stars Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, and John Huston.
Presidential Debate Watch
Event Date:October 3, 2012
History Colorado, Rocky Mountain PBS and the Civic Canopy have partnered to present a unique opportunity for Colorado citizens to come together to watch and discuss the upcoming Presidential debate on October 3, 2012.
Club 20 Debates
Event Date:September8, 2012
Keynote Address
A coalition of businesses, government entities and individuals, Club 20 advocates for a 22-county region of the Western Slope on the state and national levels. The debates held as part of the group’s annual fall meetings constitute an important part of the election season in Colorado.
The 3rd Third
Event Date:August16, 2012
Keynote Address
A coalition of businesses, government entities and individuals, Club 20 advocates for a 22-county region of the Western Slope on the state and national levels. The debates held as part of the group’s annual fall meetings constitute an important part of the election season in Colorado.
Douglas County at the Crossroads: A Summer Series on Douglas County’s Future
Event Date:July 20, 2012
Water quality and water supply affect all Douglas County residents. Let’s learn from the experts about what is being done to secure Douglas County’s water future, discuss how we can help, and where the issues really lie. The talk will feature a diverse panel of area water experts and the facilitator is KBDI PBS Ch. 12 Director of Production Dominic Dezzutti.
37th Annual Colorado Water Workshop
Event Date:July 19, 2012
Water Taboos: Addressing Our Most Challenging Issues
The author’s panelfeatured three authors currently publishing books on Colorado water issues including Justice Gregory Hobbs of the Colorado Supreme Court; Patty Limerick, Director of the Center of the American West; and George Sibley of Gunnison.
City of Boulder’s Water 2012
Event Date:July 18, 2012
Patricia Limerick presents: "A Ditch in Time: Denver, the West and Water"
Patricia Limerick gave a talk based on her new book “A Ditch in Time: Denver, the West and Water”.
Special Introduction, CO Bar’s Continuing Legal Education Live Seminar with Justice Gregory Hobbs
Event Date:June18, 2012
On June 18, author, scholar, and Colorado Supreme Court Justice Greg Hobbspresented on two of his books: Living the Four Corners: Colorado, Centennial State at the Headwaters, published in 2011, and his new book Into the Grand. The presentationincluded a special introduction by Patty Limerick, Faculty Director and Chair of the Board of the Center of the American West at the University of Colorado.
The National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals National Conference
Event Date:April25, 2012
Celebrating Silver and Preparing for Gold
Patty gave the keynote address on Saturday, April 28th during the closing brunch. Her speech is entitled “Steering Knowledge: Accident-Prevention on the On-Ramps and Off-Ramps of Graduate Education.”
Western Literature Association Conference
Event Date:February25, 2012
Significance of the Frontier in an Age of Transnational History
This symposium aims to put some of these diverse views of historical frontiers into conversation with one another and assess the current state of frontier studies. Have historians of the American West, through the synthesis of transnational, borderlands, and environmental history (among other fields), returned, in the words of Kerwin Lee Klein, to telling “big frontier tales” and in the process become “postwestern?”
Colorado Water Congress
Event Date:January26, 2012
Colorado Water 2012 - Connecting Coloradans to their Water
George Sibley, author ofProtecting the Colorado River, the Colorado River District at 75,will be presenting on his new book as well as Patricia Limerick, author ofA Ditch in Time, Denver, Water, and the West.Both presentations will be held at Colorado Water Congress.
INSTAAR Noon Seminars at CU-Boulder
Event Date:November28, 2011
A Ditch in Time: Denver, the West, and Water
This seminar is free and open to the public.
University of New England – Center for Global Humanities Lecture/Seminar Series
Event Date:November 7, 2011
The Uncertain Fate of the Great American Desert: The American West, Water, and the World
Circumstances in the early twenty-first century—the prospects for reallocating water from farms to cities, the rise of demands for water based on recreation and environmental preservation, and the uncertainties of climate change—ask for a reconsideration of the characterization of the American West as shaped by aridity and semi-aridityandof the place of the region in the broad planetary arrangements of fresh water and human population.
Theodore Roosevelt: In the Arena of the West
Event Date:October 29, 2011
“The Winning of the West Revisited”
Theodore Roosevelt: In the Arena of the Westtook a new look at Roosevelt’s time in the Dakota badlands (1883-87) and his fascination with the American West.
CU Energy Club’s Boulder Municipalization Forum
Event Date:October 25, 2011
Boulder's Energy Future
Join CU Energy Club as they welcome industry experts to give an objective overview on Boulder’s possible municipalization initiative.Moderated by Patty Limerick.
Denver Art Museum’s Lecture Series
Event Date:October 20, 2011
Takes on the Changing West
Join renowned historian,New York Timescolumnist and MacArthur fellow Patricia Nelson Limerick and DAM curator of photography Eric Paddock as they discuss competing images of the American West and how they affect our responses to art, government policy and the everyday challenges of living in the region.
Niwot Historical Society 1st Annual Lecture Series
Event Date:September 28, 2011
"Twenty-Five Years of Living with Legacy of Conquest: The Transformation of the West since 1986"
Boulder Conversations with Extraordinary People
Event Date:September 13, 2011
Patty Limerick & Charles Wilkinson
Presented by Boulder History Museum, Boulder Conversations with Extraordinary People features prominent Boulder citizens sharing their stories. Patty Limerick is known for her work at the Center of the American West at the University of Colorado. She is a professor of history at CU. Charles Wilkinson was named the West’s leading authority on natural resources law.
36th Annual Colorado Water Workshop
Event Date:July 21, 2011
"Water for Denver, Water for Colorado"
The 36th Annual Colorado Water Workshop, “Risk, Opportunity, and Leadership in Changing Climates,” is taking place July 20-22 at Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado. Patty Limerick will take part in a keynote panel presentation, along with Jim Lochhead, CEO of Denver Water, and Justice Gregory Hobbs, Colorado Supreme Court. Together, they will discuss “Water for Denver, Water for Colorado.”
OAH Community College Workshop
Event Date:June 9, 2011
"A Ditch in Time: The Lessons of Water in Denver, Colorado"
Patty Limerickpresented a session at the OAH Community College Workshop in Denver on June 9. Her talk is titled “A Ditch in Time: The Lessons of Water in Denver, Colorado.”
Patty speaking at the Tesoro Cultural Center Historic Lecture and Dinner Series
Event Date:April 17, 2011
Tesoro Cultural Center Historic Lecture and Dinner Series, “Breathe! A Colorado and U.S. history of lung disease and cures,” with Dr. Charles Scoggin, Morrison, CO
Patty speaking at the Modern Genocide Conference
Event Date:April 6, 2011
Modern Genocide Conference, Mesa State College, Grand Junction, CO
Patty speaking at Frasier Meadows Retirement Community, Sustainability Seminar
Event Date:February 23, 2011
Frasier Meadows Sustainability Seminar, “No Country for Old Habits: The Denver Water Board and the Two Forks Dam,” Boulder, CO
CU on the Weekend
Event Date:February 11, 2011
A Ditch in Time: Denver and Western Water Issues
In the Fall of 2012, Fulcrum Presspublished Patty Limerick’s new book,A Ditch in Time: The City, the West, and Water, that will bring the Denver water case study into the big picture of regional and national history.
Peak to Prairie Landscape Symposium
Event Date:February 4, 2011
"From the Ground Up: Harvesting the Lessons of Westward Expansion to Recalibrate Human Pride and Vanity"
Patty Limerick provided the keynote address for the Peak to Prairie Landscape Symposium in Colorado Springs, CO.
Highlands Ranch Public Library
Event Date:January 20, 2011
"Insights on Front Range Water Supplies"
Patty Limerick presented a program at Douglas County Public Libraries with John Hendrick, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer of the South Metro Water Supply Authority. The talk, “Insights on Front Range Water Supplies,” was open to the public.
90th National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference
Event Date:November 13, 2010
Featured Speaker
Patty Limerick was a featured speaker at the 90th National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference in Denver, CO.
Society of American Foresters Convention
Event Date:October 29, 2010
"Community and Culture"
Patty Limerick co-presented a General Session with Butch Blazer at the Society of American Foresters Convention, “Forests & People: A Watershed Event,” in Albuquerque, NM.
Remembering Stewart Udall
Event Date:March26, 2010
Stewart Udall, Interior Secretary under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, died recently in Santa Fe. He was an inspiration to many conservationists. Patty Limerick, of the Center of the American West, talks about her friend with Ryan Warner.
Lecture at the Mark O. Hatfield Distinguished Historians Forum
Event Date:March 16, 2010
“Public Lands”
Since 1998, the Mark O. Hatfield Distinguished Historians Forum, presented by the Oregon Historical Society, has provided a broad perspective on United States history by presenting the nation’s top scholars and writers. Most featured lecturers have won a Pulitzer Prize or National Book Award for their writing, and many are among the most revered academics in the nation. Patty Limerick was one of the featured guests of the 2010 forum.
Wallace Stegner Center’s Fourteenth Annual Symposium
Event Date:March 6, 2009
“Traveling Ahead: How Wallace Stegner’s Most Quotable Words Guide Us Through Time and Space”
Patricia Nelson Limerick is the Faculty Director and Chair of the Board for the Center of the American West at the University of Colorado, where she is also a Professor of History. She has dedicated her career to bridging the gap between academics and the general public and to demonstrating the benefits of applying historical perspective to contemporary dilemmas and conflicts.
Patty Limerick and Erin Hogan Lecture at Chicago Humanities Festival
Event Date:November 8, 2008
“Manifest Legacies and the American West”
This lecture was a joint program between Patty Limerick and Erin Hogan. Patty provided an understanding of the American West, the idea of Manifest Destiny, and the legacy of westward expansion, followed by Erin’s segment, based on her book,Spiral Jetta. Chicago Humanities Festival Artistic Director Ren Weschler then moderated audience questions.
Japanese American Museum National Conference
Event Date:July 4, 2008
“Correcting the Past: The Memory of Historical Injury and the Hope for Remedy”
Executive Order 9066, which authorized the relocation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, did a lasting injustice to all American citizens, whatever their ethnicity. Patricia Limerick, Ph.D., Faculty Director and Chair of the Board of the Center of the American West at the University of Colorado, argued that memories of the camps offer guidance and perspective on a universal dilemma in human nature.
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation: Special Institute on Surface Use for Mineral Development in the New West
Event Date:February7, 2008
"Changing Winds"
Patty Limerick spoke at a Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation Special Institute on Surface Use for Mineral Development in the New West. The conference was held in Westminster, Colorado, February 7 and 8, 2008.
Panel Moderator at Colorado’s New Energy Conference
Event Date:October 30, 2007
“Consumer Demand: What Do Consumers Want and at What Price?”
Patty Limerick moderated a discussion about the changes in consumption and demand of fossil fuels in the American West.
Patty Limerick and Ivan Doig on KTNU
Event Date:September 27, 2007
KTNU interviewed Patty Limerick and Ivan Doig. Ivan Doig received the Wallace Stegner Award from the Center of the American West for his Western-American writing, and most recent book,This House of Sky.
Patty Limerick’s Interview on KUFM
Event Date:September 24, 2007
Patty Limerick was the featured interview on the show and spoke about her earlier prediction about the West. Years earlier she had predicted that the West’s reliance on mining, logging, and ranching would change, and the new West would be dominated by people who would both recreate in and preserve the Western environment.
Oregon Planning Institute Conference
Event Date:September 13, 2007
“Hindsight and Foresight in a Region of Rush”
Patty Limerick was the keynote speaker for the Oregon Planning Institute’s conference at the University of Oregon on September 13, 2007.