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Willett Kempton: Preventing Climate Catastrophe

If You Go
Date: May 15, 2006
Where:Chautauqua Community House, Boulder, CO

How Soon, How Much, and How to Cut CO2?

Noted energy expert Dr. Willett Kempton gave a talk on Monday, May 15, entitled “Preventing Climate Catastrophe: How Soon, How Much, and How to Cut CO2?” at the Chautauqua Community House.

Dr. Kempton is Senior Policy Scientist at the University of Delaware’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy and Assistant Professor in the University’s School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1977. He has done extensive research on social and policy aspects of energy use and energy efficiency. His scholarly articles cover topics such as American citizens’ understanding of global climate change, beliefs and behavior regarding home energy, international comparisons of citizens’ and policymakers’ environmental perspectives, energy efficiency policies, and factors which move citizens to environmental action. He has written one book on theoretical cognitive anthropology, edited three volumes on energy, and most recently coauthoredEnvironmental Values in American Culture(1995), a study of Americans’ environmental beliefs and values. Kempton has held research or teaching positions at Princeton University, Michigan State University, and the University of California campuses at Berkeley and Irvine prior to joining the faculty at the University of Delaware in 1992. “Dr. Kempton has a long and distinguished career in studying attitudes toward and decisions about energy production and consumption,” says Patty Limerick.