Past Events
- Crisis on the Colorado River: From Short-Term Solutions to Long-Term SustainabilityThursday, June 8 and Friday, June 9, 2023 Hosted by the Getches-Wilkinson Center and Water & Tribes InitiativeThe Colorado River is in crisis. Rapid declines in
- Mobilizing the Global Community on Climate Change: An Indigenous Leadership PerspectiveFawn R. Sharp QuinaultPresident, National Congress of American IndiansThursday, October 13, 2022 6:00 p.m. Wolf Law Building, Wittemyer
- Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 172026 May Be Too Late: Hard Conversations About Really Complicated IssuesThere is no debate – demands for water across the Colorado River Basin exceed the shrinking supply. Chronic drought, record heat, increasing
- John Leshy, Author Distinguished Professor of Law University of California, Hastings College of LawThe little-known story of how the U.S. government came to hold nearly one-third of the nation’s land and manage it primarily for recreation, education
- Tapestry, X’s Moonshot for the Electric Grid Audrey Zibelman Vice President, X’s Electric Grid MoonshotNations are finally committing to greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that could limit global warming. However, technical obstacles to the
- Equity in the Colorado River Basin: How to Sustainably Manage a Shrinking ResourceThursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1Simply put – demands for water in the Colorado River Basin exceed supply. Chronic drought, record heat, and rampant
- Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1Equity in the Colorado River Basin: How to Sustainably Manage a Shrinking ResourceSimply put – demands for water in the Colorado River Basin exceed supply. Chronic drought, record heat, and rampant
- The Water & Tribes Initiative: Tribal Water Rights & a Sustainable Vision for the Colorado River BasinApril 27, 2021The 30 federally recognized tribes in the Colorado River Basin depend on the Colorado and its tributaries for a variety of
- Session One: Expanding the Toolbox of Water Financing OptionsTuesday, September 15, 2020Gone are the days when funding western water needs was merely a task of gaining Congressional authorization and appropriations for new dams and reservoirs. Today
- Public Land Policy after the Trump Administration: Is This a Turning Point?Thursday, February 27, 2020Professor John Leshy University of California-Hastings College of LawSince the Civil War, a strong, bipartisan consensus has developed in support