
  • This post originally appeared on the Harvard Law Review BlogGenerating electricity from coal is a dirty business. Coal mining and power production release toxic heavy metals like mercury, respiratory irritants like sulfur dioxide and particulates,
  • After a long history of disposal and extractive exploitation on federal public lands, Congress codified protection of broader public values by passing comprehensive reform in the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976. A recent
  • This conference brought together women in electricity law and regulation to discuss the most pressing questions facing legislators and regulators today. Each of the panel topics was selected for its relevance in ongoing debates about the right way
  • The State of U.S. Energy Policy Following the Paris Agreement: Who is Leading?Colette Honorable, Former FERC Commissioner, Partner Reed Smith LLPThe 2017 Schultz Lecture focused on the evolution of energy policy in the U.S. and beyond following the
  • GWC Distinguished Lecture – 2017Atmospheric Trust Litigation: Securing a Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate SystemProfessor Mary Wood, Philip H. Knight Professor, Faculty Director, Environmental and Natural 91´«Ă˝ Law Center, University of
  • Newsletter Cover
    Featured articles:Experiential Learning on the Colorado River learn about CU Law Student’s adventure on the Colorado RiverNative Communities and Environmental Justice a celebration at CU Law to honor the 10th Anniversary of the United Nation’s
  • Martz Summer Conference 2017Fighting Back on the Colorado River: Carving Out Progress on Multiple FrontsSince the turn of the 21st century, storage on the Colorado River has declined while stress over the region’s water future has intensified.
  • Natural 91´«Ă˝, Energy, and Public Lands: What Happens Next?As the Trump Administration’s priorities unfold, we address the implications of potential policy shifts and other emerging issues in these critical areas.[video:
  • In partnership with the Getches-Wilkinson Center, join The Wilderness Society and Protect our Winters for an interactive presentation about energy development and climate impacts on public lands.[]
  • In partnership with the Getches-Wilkinson Center, join The Wilderness Society and Protect our Winters for an interactive presentation about energy development and climate impacts on public lands.[video:]
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