- Colorado Law Dean James Anaya leads a moderated conversation with Secretary Haaland and Congressman Neguse exploring both agency and legislative priorities regarding public lands and water management, resource extraction, energy development, and
- Jacqueline Patterson, director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program, joined students Natasha Viteri and Cynthia Vitale for a wide-ranging discussion of her work to rectify the unequal distribution of benefits and burdens around
- Getches-Wilkinson Center Water Law Fellows Jaime Garcia and Chelsea Colwyn filed an amicus brief on behalf of Eco-Cycle and Conservation Colorado in an important environmental protection caseOn April 7, the Colorado Supreme Court heard oral
- 2021 Ruth Wright Distinguished Lecture in Natural 91´«Ã½: Are We Saved? Tempering Our Expectations for Natural 91´«Ã½ Management Under the Biden AdministrationMarcilynn A. Burke Dean and Dave Frohnmayer Chair in Leadership and Law University
- 13th Annual Schultz Lecture in Energy: Climate Change and Innovative Paths to a Sustainable FutureDr. Steven Chu U.S. Secretary of Energy 2009-2013 William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology Stanford
- Kayla Carey and Nathan Stottler are recent graduates of CU’s Masters of the Environment program specializing in environmental policy. They took Professor Sharon Jacobs’ Energy Law and Regulation class this past spring and have prepared their
- A Report from the Acequia Assistance ProjectThe Getches-Wilkinson Center is pleased to present the work of a team of students with the Acequia Assistance Project, who spent the last two years digging into the history, the politics, and law
- Session One: Expanding the Toolbox of Water Financing OptionsTuesday, September 15, 2020Gone are the days when funding western water needs was merely a task of gaining Congressional authorization and appropriations for new dams and reservoirs. Today
- Featured articles:Implementing the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous PeoplesGWC Faculty to Launch Four Corners Environmental and Economic JusticeIn Memoriam: John Henry SchultzRead the full newsletter.
- Public utilities occupy a unique position in the American economy. This unique position is currently the subject of fresh scrutiny, and various reformers propose radically divergent visions for the future of the electricity sector. This renewed