Energy Innovation Initiative

Meeting the world’s growing energy needs in a sustainable and secure fashion stands as one of the great challenges of the 21st century. The Energy Innovation Initiative at the University of Colorado Law School brings together leaders from government, law, finance, industry, and academia to address key aspects of this challenge and develop innovative approaches and solutions across a range of sectors. The initiative builds on the law school’s deep expertise in technology, entrepreneurship, energy, and natural resources to support research and analysis on the critical policy, regulatory, and business aspects of the energy innovation challenge; training for students and professionals; and an ongoing series of public lectures, workshops, and conferences.
Our partners

The Energy Innovation Initiative was established in fall 2011 as a joint initiative between the Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship and the Program on Natural 91´«Ã½, Energy & Environmental Law at the University of Colorado Law School. The initiative has an external advisory board that meets annually and assists the initiative in identifying and pursuing strategic opportunities, developing programmatic areas, identifying partners (in industry, government, and elsewhere), and participating in key activities.