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Voices: An inequitable pandemic, Dave Weil (Part II)

Dave Weil with his arms spread out on the porch of his mobile home.

An inequitable pandemic
In the middle of March 2020, Colorado Gov.ÌýJared Polis issued a stay-at-home order to slow the pandemic, and like many small business owners, Dave Weil was caught in the middle. Weil closedÌýhis thriving massage therapy business; byÌýJuly he was still only seeing a few clients each week.

"It's not enough to get by in Boulder," says Weil who lives in Mapleton Mobile Home Park in Boulder, Colorado. HeÌýnow attends community food drops offered in the mobile home park, and he's mostly cooking at home.

Because he has some savings and because living at Mapleton, which is cooperately owned, is "semi-affordable," he will be OKÌýfor the immediate future. That said, his planned renovation project willÌýgo on holdÌýif his savings continue to be depleted.

Weil says manyÌýpark residents are struggling from lost income due to COVID-19, includingÌýa printer, a teacher, aÌýsalespersonÌýand a few restaurant workers.The uniformly spaced units allowÌýfor isolation of individuals.ÌýResidents wearÌýmasks and keep socially distanced whenÌýgatheringÌýfor meetings orÌýfood drops, which are held outside.ÌýThat said, most Mapleton residents fall inÌýthe 50 to 70-year-oldÌýage range, with a few residentsÌýin their 80s, andÌýbecause of their succeptibility to COVID-19, they haveÌýreduced contact with neighbors and the outside community.Ìý

"I have a credo that it's better to not know too much about your neighbors," he says. "We are so close together here, practically sharing walls, that it's better we keep things on a polite level and not get too initimate with details."

An affordable alternative
Weil says choosing Mapleton was a "no-brainer."Ìý Before moving to the trailer park, rent for his Boulder apartmentÌýteeteredÌýonÌý50 percent of his income as aÌýmassage therapist with a busy practice.Ìý When he moved to Mapleton, he paidÌý$9,000 for the structureÌýthat would become his home at a time when the averageÌýhouse price in Boulder toppedÌý$225,000. Today the average home sale price in Boulder is $1.1 million.

"If I hadn't had the option of living in a manufactured home, I would have had to move out of Boulder," he says.

He ticks off Mapleton's advantages over other area mobile home parks. MapletonÌýis a six-minute walk toÌýthe center of town, and heÌýlives in a quiet cul-de-sac. Lot rentals are less expensive than other Boulder parks, and MapletonÌýhas a more democratic governance, he says. When he moved in, the cityÌýof Boulder owned the park, but soon after it wasÌýsold to Thistle Community Housing, a nonprofit organization which develops, manages and preserves permanently affordable rental and ownership homes in Boulder County. He credits Thistle, which operates asÌýhis landlord,Ìýin authoringÌýthe park's democratic structure.

"We have a micro-paradiseÌýhere because we control land-use values within the park, which meansÌýoutside parties can't decide what happens with our homes or with theÌýland around our homes," he says.Ìý"That's a major advantage over theÌýmobile home communities within Boulder owned by outside entitites whoÌýdon't have an interest in quality-of-life issues or length of residencyÌýor land-use values. We vote on any change or improvement that happens within the park. Everyone gets a vote."

MapletonÌýis alsoÌýone ofÌýthe more ethnically diverse communities in Boulder, Weil says.ÌýHe estimates thatÌý50 percent of the residents are Latino orÌýother minorities and about 40 percent are age 65 and older. HeÌýestimates only one in five households hasÌýan intactÌýnuclear family.Ìý

Within the park there is a sense of community. Before COVID-19 there were regular gatherings, as well as community yard sales and clean ups. Residents tend to purchaseÌýsustainable materials for their projects, and the community recycles, including electronics, and composts. There is a community garden, and Weil'sÌýyard is a huge network of raised beds and individual containers. The park maintainsÌýthe trees within, which he saysÌýhas been great for the wildlife and the city as a whole.

"There is no good reason to leave Mapleton," Weil says.Ìý

Legislation to make things better
Unlike other local mobile home parks, Mapleton's lease includes a mandate that only allows a 1 toÌý2 percent annual rent increase, andÌýMapleton isÌýalso a community land trust, meaning the community is owned by the residents.ÌýBut similar to other Colorado parks, none of Mapleton'sÌýresidents own the land beneath their unitsÌýand stateÌýlaw favors out-of-state corporate ownership of trailer parks over localÌýor individual ownership.Ìý

SomeÌýstates have inacted laws allowing residents to purchaseÌýthe land beneathÌýtheir trailers after they have lived there one or twoÌýyears, but that hasn't been the case in Colorado, where the majority of parks are owned by out-of-state corporations and holding companies, each of which mayÌýown as many as 100 different parks across the country. Weil says these corporations have noÌýinterest in helpingÌýhealthy communities develop in their parks.Ìý An example is Sans Souci Mobile Home Park in unincorporated Boulder County, where an out-of-state corporate ownerÌýhas imposed steep rent hikes and mandated unwanted landscape changes toÌýresidents' property, he says.Ìý

"I believe veryÌýstrongly that laws needs to change to favor individual ownership so that peopleÌýcan build equity in their homes," Weil says.Ìý"You could liveÌýin theÌýsame homeÌýfor 20 or 25Ìýyears and spend over $100,000 on lotÌýrentals during that period, and the amount of equity you gain is exactly zero. In fact, if you live in your home long enoughÌýyou end up with a liability because you have to pay to have that home demolished and hauled away, and you are no closer to getting a replacement home."

Weil says few see mobile homesÌýas good real-estate investments because residents are not protected.

"Banks typically want equity to loan money, and you can't use your home because it's not worth anything, and you can't use the land because it's not yours," he says.

Voices: Dave Weil (Part I) Rehabilitation of an aging structure

Read more stories from the "Voices" collection