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Experimental Estimates of College Coaching on Postsecondary Re-enrollment

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´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýLesley J. Turner (University of Chicago and NBER) and Oded Gurantz

Although college enrollment has increased significantly over the last few decades, approximately 60% of students graduate within eight years, and only 2% of former college students with no degree choose to re-enroll. In this project, we examine whether student supports can improve short-term reenrollment outcomes for students who attempted but dropped out of college and wish to return. We conducted a randomized control trial in which low- and middle-income students who attended a California community college or California State University were offered coaching and counseling services from InsideTrack, a college counseling service provider. We find that even after opting-in to receive coaching, only one-half of students engaged with their college coach at least once, and there was no evidence that treatment assignment increased college re-enrollment. We discuss potential challenges experienced by the students and coaches during this experiment and ways to improve this work moving forward.