Symposium 2016
MARCH 4, 5, & 6 Ìý
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George Kuchar is one of the great artists in the history of the moving image…We are amazed by the craft, the perfect cues, the skillful edits, the startling images and visual rhymes, the flawless pacing and ingenious continuity, often achieved spontaneously, in camera. His images can be both insanely bizarre and rapturously beautiful, with a hallucinatory otherness seldom achieved by even the most visionary artists in film history…Few can match his eccentric imagination, his phenomenal wit, his peculiar way with language, and his ability to construct complex multidimensional narratives…The work is transgressive and subversive—transgressive sexually (he’s among the pioneers of queer and camp cinema) and in its scatological breach of decorum; subversive in itsÌý zero-budget triumph over commodity cinema, the triumph ofÌý amateur over professional.
----Gene Youngblood
Michael Kuchar
Director, cinematographer and visual artist, Michael Kuchar is an underground film legend whose work--singly and in collaboration with twin brother George Kuchar--has inspired filmmakers fromÌýJack Smith to John Waters. He currently teaches in the film department at the San Francisco Art Institute.
Donna Kerness
Actor, painter, dancer, Donna KernessÌýhas appeared in films by Robert Cowan, Jack Smith,ÌýMichael Zuckerman,Ìýand, most notably,Ìýby George and Michael Kuchar which include Born of the Wind (1961), Lust for Ecstasy (1963), and Hold Me While I’m Naked (1966).
Andrew Lampert
Andrew Lampert has created an extensive body of films, videos, photographs and performances, and his work has been shown at The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Getty Museum, and The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. He was archivist and later curator of Collections at the Anthology Film Archives from 2003-2015. He has edited TheGeorge Kuchar Reader.
Nancy Andrews
Nancy Andrews works in hybrid filmic forms, combining storytelling, documentary, animation, sound and puppetry. She studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and received a Master of Fine Arts in 1995. She teaches video making, animation, time-based arts and film studies at the College of the Atlantic.
Denah Johnston
Denah Johnston is a teacher, writer, award-winning filmmaker and curator who has worked as programmer and prescreener for the San Francisco LGBT Film Festival and the San Francisco International Film Festival. She studied with George Kuchar andÌýis currently Cinema Studies Professor at the City College of San Francisco.
Highlights of the Symposium:Ìý
As with past years, the Brakhage Center Symposium broughtÌýtogether a dynamic group of filmmakers, scholars and otherÌýinterested parties to provide invaluable presentations and real-time discussion about the work of this year's featured filmÌýartist, George Kuchar. I saw work I'd never seen mixed in withÌýpieces I feel I know pretty well; I heard recollections/analysesÌýthat illuminated Kuchar in new ways, along with perspectivesÌýthat resonated with a combination of comfortable nostalgia,Ìýirrepressible mirth, awe inspired by Kuchar's creative integrityÌýand depth, and an immense sense of loss due to his passing.
Jonathon Gluckstern, Film Studies Lecturer, Attendee
The Brakhage Symposium is a wonderful opportunity to bring in anÌýaudience from around the country and foster a lively gatheringÌýof filmmakers, critics and avant-garde cinema enthusiasts. TheÌýopportunity to commune with featured filmmakers for a weekend isÌýrare and is a valuable opportunity for students, faculty andÌýlocal attendees.
Kelly Sears, Film Studies Professor, Attendee
I thoroughly enjoyed my day at this year's Brakhage Symposium,Ìýparticularly the program curated and hosted by George Kuchar'sÌýstar actress, Donna Kerness. Mike Kuchar's frequentÌýparticipation from the audience was truly revelatory and movingÌýto me, and the day was summed up by an excellent panel of allÌýthe guests hosted by Kuchar expert Andy Lampert. A well balancedÌýday between the personal and the historical/academic. For thoseÌýof us who knew and cared for George, this year's symposiumÌýprovided a touchstone for a wonderful artist and his work. IÌýcould hear Stan roaring with laughter...
Philip S. Solomon, Film Studies Professor, Attendee
Every year the Brakhage Center Symposium melds rigorousÌýintellectual, academic, and artistic components with an opennessÌýthat welcomes everyone from filmmakers to curious communityÌýmembers, and the 2016 tribute to George Kuchar did notÌýdisappoint. The late George Kuchar's brother and fellowÌýfilmmaker, Michael; the star of many of the films shown, DonnaÌýKerness; filmmaker Nancy Andrews; archivist Andrew Lampert; andÌýprofessor, filmmaker, and Kuchar student and filmmaker DenahÌýJohnston provided an engaging, entertaining, and uniquelyÌýeducational experience. They defined George Kuchar as anÌýartist, teacher, and human being through personal stories andÌýplaced him in a cultural context by detailing his influence onÌýtheir own work and on the experimental and commercial filmÌýworlds in general. The symposium presented a valuableÌýopportunity for students to engage personally with people inÌýKuchar's world and sphere of influence. The humor that pervadesÌýKuchar's work made the weekend a pure joy.
Lisa Spaulding, attendee
I have be a devoted attendee of the Brakhage Symposium since IÌýmoved to Boulder in 2008. I look forward to it every year. TheÌýKuchar event was certainly one of the most memorable. I wasÌýimpressed with how well it was organized. It was wonderful toÌýsee Mike Kuchar again and to meet the glamourous Donna Kerness.
Carmen Vigil, Attendee
It was a pleasure to honor George Kuchar at the most recentÌýBrakhage Symposium. Having his brother Mike present along withÌýfilmmakers Nancy Andrews, Andrew Lampert, Denah Johnston, andÌýthe actress, Donna Kerness. The screening and talks wereÌýinformative, well planned, and very important for my studentsÌýwho attended multiple events during the 2 1/2 day Symposium. TheÌýwork of George Kuchar and his importance in the American AvantÌýGarde was highlighted and celebrated.ÌýThis was one of the most important film events of the year onÌýcampus.
Don Yannacito, Film 2000 Instructor, Attendee
The 12thÌýBrakhage Center Symposium is sponsored by:
The Roser Visiting Artist Program
CU Film Studies Program
The William H. Donner Foundation