Governance structure for phase 1 of the Anaplan budget tool implementation
Core Team
Members from BFP and VCAA; Includes leadership in budget and finance, budget analysts, communications and training
- Meet weekly or multiple times a week with the vendor​
- Work to build system components for review​
- Prepare and complete demos of system functionality
- Manage vendor communication and campus coordination​
- Ensure Phase 1 implementation goals are achieved​
Project Team
Campus budget representatives; From CMCI, RIO, Athletics, CEAS, Advancement, I&S, Music, A&S, Student Affairs, VCAA and OIT
- Meet monthly or every other week throughout Phase 1 implementation​
- Make recommendations about system functionality​
- Review system demos and make suggestions for improvement or approve functionality​
- Ensure system meets campus needs while considering Phase 2 unit needs​
- Provide information to other campus partners and note when functionality may require additional campus conversations
Technical Team
System HCM, CCO, UIS and Boulder OIT​
- ​Implement technical operations, such as single sign-on, data integrations, etc.
- Assist in coordination with vendor on technical needs
Project Team Subgroups (Ad Hoc)
Project team members and other campus stakeholders​
- ​Brought together as needed based on specialized knowledge and skills
- Implement specific components and functionality (auxiliary funds, gift funds, merit process, etc.)