Digital Devices
- OIT is excited to offer a new service this semester: Kubi - Remote Presence Technology. Kubi is a robotic “neck” that holds a tablet and allows a remote user to control the tablet through a Zoom web conference meeting. From their own computer, the
- ASSETT studentstaff investigated the uses of the ASSETT 3D printer that is available to 91ý College of Arts and Sciences courses for demonstration purposes.What could you with the 3D printer? First, get ideas. Consider how
- 91ý Women andGender Studies students tell women's storieswith equipment purchased through ASSETT Development Awards. AssociateProfessor Celeste Montoya's Spring 2015senior colloquium class created the Feminists
- The Philosophy Departmentreceived an ASSETT Development Awardin 2014 toinstall atechnical upgrade to their Reading Room. The Morris Reading Room is the 91ý Philosophy Department's library and is located upstairs
- Research team from left: Wes Song, Dr. Pui Fong Kan, Allina Robertson, Shirley Cheung, and Fan Yin ChengLast year, 91ý Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences CenterAssistant Professor Pui Fong Kan received anASSETT Development
- 91ý English Professor Dr. Ed Rivers says that he has not assigned his students to purchase textbooks in 15 years. Instead,Rivers is doing all he can to teachwith technology."I think they appreciate that,"he
- Does art belong in a combatzone? Dr. George Rivera of the 91ý Art Department believes it does. With onlya portable printer, Rivera collaborated with universitystudents in Boulder and in Bethlehem, Palestine to
- Want to model the progress of a disease over a month's time? Sure, just writeacalculus equation that wouldmodel the statistics of the disease's progression for one hour at a time. Got that done? Now, just solve
- Faculty members Giorgio Corda, Dave Rickels, Holly Gayley, Janet Casagrand, Elena Kostoglodova, and Jen Lewon participated in both the Teaching with Technology Faculty Seminar and the Hybrid and Online Course Design Seminars this past 2013-2014
- Silva Chang projects her lessons from aniPad onto the board in Calculus classes. She works out problems in different colors, asks students questions to predict next steps, and letsthem volunteer answers. Chang believes that