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Tips & Tricks - February 2016 - Collect Feedback

Even though it’s only February, now is a good time to start planning to collect some mid-semester student feedback. Try asking students a few open ended questions like what has most helped their learning, what has not helped their learning, and what suggestions do they have going forward. For larger classes, Likert scale and multiple choice responses may be developed for easier analysis. Soliciting this kind of feedback at the midpoint in a course can provide valuable insight on student perceptions of how things are going thus far. Then after reviewing responses, there’s still time to make adjustments that can improve student learning during the rest of the semester. And it demonstrates that an instructor really does care and is committed to their students’ success. Anonymous feedback can be quickly collected and reviewed using online surveying tools. Take a look at the or tutorials to get started. Our researcher, Sarah Wise, can provide you with example surveys, review your draft survey, and help you plan how to implement a mid-semester survey.