AMRC Hosts 'Music Under Dictatorship' Researcher, Daniel Party

This free andpublic talk willtake place at 2 pm in CASE E351 on 91ý campusand willkick-off thissemester's Musicology & Music Theory Colloquium Series, a College of Music semester-long traditionthatoffersstudents,faculty, other CU campus departments, and thepublic a unique opportunity to meet and hear from some of the leading national and international researchers in music theory andethnomusicology, including topics inWestern,African, Japanese, Latin American, American Indian, and Euro-American musics.

He is also interested in U.S. Latinomusic and migration and in gender studies. He wasAssociate Professor atSaint Mary's College, a visiting ProfessoratTulane University,University of Oregon,BrownUniversity,University of Georgia and has a long list of publications, fellowships, awards,grants and invited guest lectures and workships which are.
We are excited to welcome Dr. Party to campus andhope you can join us for hispresentation!