Program Assessment
Program Assessment
The Academic Affairs Assessment group provides leadership and centralized support to 91´«Ã½ in the assessment of student learning and program effectiveness. Through collaboration with campus partners, we facilitate best practices that lead to data-informed decision making to promote student success at 91´«Ã½.
- Assessment is the systematic and routine gathering of evidence that provides essential information for continuous improvement.
- Assessment at 91´«Ã½ is a broad-based activity that occurs at a number of levels across the university in both the curricular and co-curricular environments. Assessments are carried out at the course, program/unit, and institutional level using a variety of data collection methods. The common element to these assessment activities is that the findings from the data collection help inform change to improve student success at 91´«Ã½.
- When applied to student learning, the assessment process measures the degree to which students are achieving the intended learning outcomes for a program. This allows programs to focus efforts on improving specific areas of the curriculum, thus continually enhancing the quality of the academic program.
- Assessment identifies and supports the need for change. Assessment results provide evidence to support implementing programmatic changes and can determine the degree to which the change was successful.
- Curricular and co-curricular program assessment focuses on what and how a program is contributing to students’ learning and development.
- There are three fundamental purposes for learning outcomes assessment:
- Giving students the best possible education.
- Responsible stewardship of financial resources.
- Demonstrating accountability by sharing successes and efforts for evidence-based improvement.
The assessment team works in collaboration with partners from across 91´«Ã½ to support the Academic Review & Planning (ARP) process, student learning assessment, program effectiveness assessment, and other ad hoc assessment projects.
We offer the following support to campus partners:
- Meet one-on-one to discuss assessment needs at the program level
- Assist programs in developing a formal assessment plan and provide guidance and feedback throughout the assessment process
- Consult on existing assessment proposals and projects
- Identify existing resources and data that may be leveraged for future assessment projects
- Support the collection and analyses of data for programmatic decision making
- Develop and lead assessment workshops for programs and departments
- Track program-level assessment efforts to provide evidence of student learning and program effectiveness for accreditation purposesÂ